Thursday, May 31, 2012

Are Human Foods Safe for Your Dog?

It can be very difficult to ignore your dog as he lovingly and longingly looks up at you begging you to share your mouth-watering food with him. Many of us can't resist giving our dog human food now and then, but what foods are actually safe to share with your dog? Of course, you should always check with your veterinarian and be aware of any food allergies your dog has, but there are several foods that are okay to give your dog.

Popcorn: When you and your pooch are cuddled up on the couch watching a movie together it is all right to share some of your popcorn with your dog. Ideally it should have no butter or salt, which is a great low calorie snack for your dog (and for you!)

Squash: Squash is a good treat cooked or raw. It helps in preventing constipation in your dog and is also beneficial for eyesight.

Green Beans: They can be given to your dog thawed or frozen.

Pasta: Cooked pasta is a great treat for your dog. You can also freeze it and give it to your dog frozen.

Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamins for both you and your dog. Obviously, don't feed your dog the seeds or the apple core J

Rice: Rice can be a nice treat if your dog has a tummy ache. White rice is easier to digest while brown rice contains more protein and less starch.

Lean meat: Chicken, beef, and pork all provide a good source of protein.

Salmon: Salmon can help your dog's immune system and can help keep their fur and skin healthy.

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamins for your pet and are tasty too!

Cottage Cheese: Cottage cheese is high in protein and calcium. Since cottage cheese is a dairy product, and some dogs don't do very well with dairy, make sure to only give a small amount.

Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is a healthy high-protein treat. You can put some inside of a toy or a bone and let your dog lick it out.

Eggs: Eggs are a good source of protein for your dog.

Melons: Watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are all healthy melons you can share with your pet. Stay away from the more exotic melons.

Many dog treat manufacturers are now incorporating the above foods in to their treats. Of course, they are probably not as good as the real thing but are also good options for a healthy treat. Many local pet stores in Arlington, such as Dogma, offer natural treats with some of the above ingredients, such as peanut butter. If you have a dog walker, you can ask him or her to give your dog one of the above treats when they come by for their daily visits.

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All About Owning a Poodle

Various people would love to have a pet of their own. They make for really good stress relievers and can shower you with a lot of affection and devotion, especially if it's of the four legged variety. To be specific, countless individuals would like to have a dog. Yet, for all their cuteness and adorability, they could be quite difficult to train, especially whenever you deeply consider how hyperactive and stubborn they can get. You might be surprised with them endlessly pining for you to caress their hairs and rub up against you, and the next day they make a pretty huge mess of things in the household. One of the most famous dog breeds which can surely be deceiving to the naked eye is the poodle. This little pooch will surely capture your heart, and eventually cause you to pull your hairs out in frustration if you don't ensure that they're well trained and disciplined. As a result, it's a must that you look into the following points because they're essential when you own a poodle:

  • It's always essential that you remain patient while training your pooch. You must realize that dogs don't really understand everything you tell them to do. Come to think of it, they probably even do not understand themselves, even should you think they do. They are rather unpredictable little creatures that can without doubt have a huge effect on your life, but with just a number of changes in the environment, they can be rather chaotic to handle. Their conception of the world is significantly different than ours, and poodles are surely not all that adaptable to even the tiniest changes made, in comparison to other dog breeds. Thus, it is important that you keep in mind how slight changes can lead them to a little misbehavior.
  • When training your pooch, always be consistent. By that, it means you should surely perform the same routines over and over again, make sure that you're the one training him, and that there ought to be a schedule which the dog will get used to. With some uniformity added in the mix, you'll truly make it easier for the both of you to co-exist under one roof. They will get to learn more efficiently this way, and start behaving more appropriately.
  • Another matter to deeply consider if you're getting a dog of this breed is that you need to take it slow. As opposed to teaching them countless things, concentrate on one aspect and keep working on it until they have learned what you're attempting to teach them.

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The Cost of Owning a Dog and 6 Tips for Saving Money

The annual cost of owning a dog can be pretty expensive. It's easy to see how the costs add up when you have to pay for vaccinations, veterinarian visits, food, toys, food and water bowls, walkers, sitters, trainers, therapists, leashes, collars...and the list goes on. Owning a dog can cost between $1,675-$4,800 a year, which will probably cause you to panic if you're thinking about adopting one. However, there are several practical ways for future pet owners to economize so they can fit the cost of owning a dog into their budget because as any pet parent knows, a dog brings more joy to a home and life than one could ever imagine until it's experienced.

• Consider getting a mixed-breed. Many people are afraid to adopt mixed breeds because their background isn't always known. However, the odds of the animal being healthy are greater than purebreds because purebreds may have inherited health problems.

• Compare the costs of a adopting from a shelter or rescue. Sometimes shelters can be cheaper than adopting a dog from the pound or a rescue agency. You can find out what's included in the cost of the adoption, from neutering to basic shots. Always keep in mind though that the adoption fees are in place to help the shelter continue to function, a shelter is usually a non-profit organization so the adoption fees aren't going towards the company jet, but towards sheltering and providing medical care for animals.

• Adopt a grown dog instead of a puppy. This can bring the cost of owning a dog down quite a bit. Puppies are adorable and hard to resist, but they aren't always the best for people who are trying to save money. They require extra veterinary care, immunizations, neutering, and obedience training. You can save all of these hassles by finding an already well-behaved adult pup.

• Buy food in bulk. This is usually the healthiest and most cost efficient way to go about purchasing dog food. Don't skimp on food quality or the amount that you food your dog, because a poor diet will lead to health problems long-term.

• Do it yourself ideas. There are ways that you can make your own dog shampoos, fragrances, and skin conditioners. It's also possible for you to bake your own dog treats and make your own toys... grab a stick, tennis ball or Frisbee. Develop your own pet exercise plan, you don't have to spend money on pet exercise equipment and fancy diet foods... because all you have to do is get up and take your dog for a walk!

• Learn to comparison shop. Here's another big money save when it comes to the cost of owning a dog. When it comes to prescription medications, determine if they can be purchased generically from a pharmacy as opposed to brand name. In terms of over the counter products, these will generally cost a great deal at your vet's office, but you can get the exact same thing from an established E-Commerce store for a much cheaper. Use your resources and the Internet and you should be able to save a decent amount of change.

The cost of owning a dog isn't minuscule... but it doesn't have to break the bank either. By following these tips, you will save yourself a considerable amount of cash. You can always check with current pet owners, veterinarians, and shelter employees for more tips on how to save money. However, if you feel that you don't have enough money to keep a pet healthy, then it's probably best for you to wait a little longer to adopt one.

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Quick And Simple Training Tips For Dogs!

Having a dog can enrich your life tremendously, but it can also come with its share of difficulty. Many owners simply do not know how to effectively handle canine behavioral problems, and can sometimes make the dog's behavior worse. If this is your situation, then relax - we're here to help!

If your dog suffers from separation anxiety and gets restless when you are about to leave the house, you should feed your dog right before you leave. This will keep your dog busy while you prepare and distract it from the stressful situation. This should make the separation much easier.

A great dog training tip is if it seems like you can't get your dog to listen or learn on a particular day you should check your dog to notice any symptoms of illness. Some other indicators that your dog is sick, could be that he is sleeping excessively or has stopped eating. By paying attention to your dog's symptoms, you'll be able to get him to the veterinarian quicker.

To help with training your dog you need to be flexible in your training methods. Being flexible with your training will help you when your dog is struggling to learn. This will help you tweak the methods needed to suit your dog until you figure out what works best for him.

When training your dog to deal with its fear or anxiety related behaviors, go slow. Responding to a fear or anxiety response with aggression only leads to more fear and even mistrust. Take your time and give your dog the opportunity to succeed. He will grow in confidence and reduce fear induced behaviors.

Teaching a dog to know its name is the first dog training task a new dog owner should undertake. The name is used in calling the dog and just in getting its attention. Therefore it is more appropriate to choose a short and easily enunciated name than a longer and more confusing one.

When training a dog, rewards are much more effective than punishment. Use low calorie treats or pieces of boiled chicken to reward good behavior. Once the dog has learned the behavior you're trying to encourage, you only need to reward with treats occasionally. Always reward with praise and affection!

The diet you are feeding your dog needs to match their needs and activity level. The diet that is right for a working dog is a lot different from that of a dog that lounges around the house all day. Talk with your vet regarding what is right for your pup and don't forget their needs will change as they age.

Establish where your dog's resting and eating areas are, and don't let him take control of your home. Prevent him from getting in the habit of sleeping in high traffic areas and confiscating sofas and comfy chairs, by redirecting him to his own resting area whenever you find him in the way. Don't make a big production number of this. Just move him along.

If you have a dog that is not learning, despite training, sometimes bringing in another dog that is already trained, can work wonders. The trained dog can lead by example and will receive all the praise from the people around. Meanwhile, the untrained dog will be watching what the trained dog is doing and learn from this.

Dog Walking

Walking your dog is one of the most important aspects of dog training. It is during these walks that you establish dominance. It is essential that you are in command of the walk and not the dog. This means that you should always be in the lead, with your dog walking beside, not in front of, you.

Doggy daycare may sound like a great idea for hyperactive, distracted dogs, but it may be a serious setback to your training efforts. Your dog will need structure throughout the day. While running around and socializing with other dogs will be sure to tire him out, he will not receive the structure needed to curtail any over-the-top behavior. Consider a dog-walking service to let your dog stretch his legs during the day, instead.

Every owner owes it to their dog to know the basics of dog training. And the good news is that, even if you know little about canine behavior, there are simple and very easy steps you can take to develop a more positive and healthy relationship with your dog.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How Do I Tell If My Dog Is Sick?

Sometimes it's hard for pet owners to tell if their dog is sick. Unlike kids or babies who can cry when they're not feeling well, dogs can't speak up and tell us what or how they are feeling. But there are usually tell tale signs that you can watch out for to help you determine if your dog is sick. So what are the things that you should look out for?

You'll See a Change of Appetite

If you notice that your dog is refusing to eat, then this may be due to stomach problems. However, there can be other reasons for your dog's sudden change of appetite. He could've probably swallowed a foreign object, or there may be something that is blocking his intestines that may need immediate attention from your vet. This is something that you shouldn't take lightly as your dog may even need surgery. On the other hand, if you notice your dog eating more than he should, you should still consult your veterinarian as this could be a sign of hormonal disorder or even diabetes on his part.

Your Dog Starts to Vomit

There would be occasions when you could see your dog vomiting. It could be that he ate too fast; he drank too much water, or even ate some grass. However, if you notice that your dog is vomiting frequently in a day then it could be a sign that your dog might be suffering from stomach problems, or failure of his internal organs such as his kidneys, liver or bladder. It can also be a sign of some serious sickness like diabetes or even cancer. In any case, your dog might suffer from dehydration, so it is a must for you to bring your dog to your veterinarian so he would be able to determine what sickness he could be suffering from.

Sudden Changes in His Behavior

If you notice that you're jolly, happy and energetic dog has become fatigued, depressed and not in the mood for affection, this can be a sign that your dog may be suffering from some sort of sickness. If you see that he has lost interest in his normal activities, and he has become irritable and lashes out at you, then it is time to give your dog a checkup.

To prevent your dog from having any sickness, you should always give your dog a high-quality food to boost his immune system. Make sure that he gets all the nutrition he needs, this should also include a quality dog vitamin as well. A pet owner who gives his dog the proper nutritional care he needs will not have to worry about many of the frequent illnesses that other dogs experience.

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Choosing The Right Dog Brush - What You Should Consider When Buying A Dog Brush

When deciding on which brush to choose you should make you decision taking into account which breed it is and what type of coat it has. If not sure which brush to choose it would be wise to ask a professional dog groomer or your veterinarian.

The use of a quality dog brush is an important part of dog grooming as it will help to keep your pet's coat shiny and healthy by removing loose hair, mats and tangles. Brushing your dog regularly therefore is very important, second only to a healthy diet in maintaining his overall good health and well being.

You will find countless brushes, rakes and combs available to choose between that it may seem an impossible task to select a suitable one, for without the right one, that's suitable for your dog, it will be far more difficult to keep his coat looking fabulous.

For dogs that are vulnerable to skin disorders you will need to select a product whose bristles have tips that are rounded as they that will be far gentler on his skin.

For dogs that shed hair, the slicker brushes are a good choice. These brushes are very good for use on long-haired dogs as they consist of metal bristles and can be bought in a wide choice of bristle stiffness's. To avoid irritating you dog's skin make sure that the ends of the bristles are coated before you buy.

The Porcupine Brush is ideal for dogs with long hair as it incorporates both short and long bristles making it ideal for the removal of loose hair and other debris.

Rubber gloves and brushes are dog grooming tools that are well liked for use on short-haired dogs for delicately massaging your dog whilst at the same ridding him of loose hair. These types of brushes and gloves also have the advantage of being able to be used when your dogs coat is wet or dry, making them excellent for use when bathing your dogs as they will not rust. A particularly good one is the Kong Zoom Groom which has soft rubber spikes instead of bristles and is excellent for use when bathing your dog.

Brushes that have both bristles on one side of the brush and pins on the other, commonly called combination brushes are great for general brushing and for sorting out hair tangles and mats depending on which side of the brush you use.

Whichever brush you decide to use, you must always be gentle and brush in the direction of the lie of hair not against it, otherwise you will find that you dog will make himself scarce when he sees you get the brush out.

Tips To Control the Excess Barking Of Your Dog

It is through barking that dogs communicate with each other or with their owners. This is a very common behavior associated with your dog, and therefore, there is nothing to be worried about it. However, do you think that your dog barks excessively that it goes out of control? This is really true that when your dogs bark in excess, it can cross your limits of patience. Constant barking can also be a great disturbance not only for you, but for your neighbors, as well. Though there are solutions through which you will be able to control the excess barking of your dog, yet before you try to quiet your dog, you should try to find out the exact reasons or the message behind the barking.

Different reasons for barking:

There are of course different reasons for which your dog might bark. Therefore, before finding out the solutions, you should try to find out the cause of the underlying problem. Some of the common causes include:

· Protection of the territory- when they think that their territories are occupied by someone else, they go through a sense of insecurity and this in turn, leads them to frequent barking.

· Anxiety- they are often frustrated or anxious when they are away from their owners or they can also be frustrated by a particular situation, especially when they are confined in any place.

· Pain- they can also bark in order to communicate a sense of pain due to illness or injury.

· Danger- often, when your dogs sense danger, it might induce them to bark excessively.

Stop excess barking:

As there are different reasons for your dogs to bark, in a similar way, there are also different ways through which you can stop the excess barking habit of your dog.

· There are plenty of bark collars available on the market. If you get these bark collars, you can tie it around the neck of your dog, so that they do not bark in excess.

· You should always try to keep your dog active, as a result of which the chances of excess barking will also get reduced. If possible, you should also take your dog for regular walks, or you can also indulge in some fitness games to make it bark less.

· You should also teach some obedience training to your dog, so that you can improve the ability of your dog to discern the threats, and thereby stop barking in excess.

· You should also not encourage the excessive barking of your dog. If it barks excessively, do not reward it, and try to treat him only when he is quiet. This will definitely be helpful.

· If you think that your dog is barking excessively, you should try to change his routine, and bring about some necessary changes. If you think that it is barking due to confinement, you should try to release him in an open space.

Thus, there are several things that you can do in order to control the excess barking of your dog.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Homemade Dog Food Recipes - Giving the Best to Your Fur Child

Homemade dog food recipes have seen a large boost in their popularity in the wake of the great pet food recall of 2007. Home-cooked food allows a greater degree of flexibility in managing the needs of your dogs. Making your own dog food at home allows you to custom tailor your dog's nutrition to suit his or her body's needs. When done with the assistance of certified animal nutritionists or your trusted veterinarian, homemade dog food is one of the best ways of keeping your pets healthy and strong. Here are some tips on making homemade dog food recipes.

What NOT to Feed Your Dog

Some human foods may seem like treats to us but when fed to dogs, these may actually be toxic, poisonous and in some severe cases, even fatal. Foods like chocolate and coffee contain caffeine which contains theophylline. This causes diarrhea, vomiting and in severe cases permanent heart and nerve damage. Foods like onion and garlic may bring life and flavor to our sauces, dips and stir-fry but when fed to dogs, these can damage their red blood cells and could cause anemia. Bones, especially for puppies, are often chewed into fragments which when swallowed could get lodged in their intestines causing blockage, laceration and bleeding.

Know Your Dog's Needs

When choosing the right recipe, start with your dog's needs. Dogs need a healthy balance of protein and carbohydrates, vitamins and nutrients for their diets, just like their human parents. The exact ratio of these will depend on your dog's age, breed and health conditions. If your dog has known joint and tendon issues, feeding your dog a high protein diet will aggravate his or her condition. Here, consultation with professionals is a must.

When preparing your own dog food, the following are excellent sources of proteins - foods like chicken, beef, lamb and venison. Organ meats, such as hearts and livers, fish and fish oil, in the right amounts, can do wonders for your dog's coat and fur. On the other hand, excellent sources of carbohydrates include long-grained white and brown rice, white potatoes and sweet potatoes. Good sources of vitamins and minerals include pureed vegetables similar to those found in baby foods. Other nutrients that dogs need are calcium for healthy bones especially for aging pets and iodine for better eyesight and for healthier pregnancies. Good sources of these are your everyday table salt and egg shells.

Preparation is Key

Preparation is the key to the best homemade dog food recipes. Remember that the point of homemade dog food is for better nutrition, not contamination. Wash your hands before and after working. Always use dedicated utensils and keep your work area clean. When thawing frozen meats, always thaw inside the fridge and do not freeze the leftovers.

It is also a good idea to bear in mind that in making dog food at home to consider your dog's metabolic functions. Frying meats may do more harm than good. Boiling or broiling meats is a better option. When adding vegetables to your dog's diet, remember that they cannot digest as well as humans do. Boiling and pureeing vegetables is a good place to start.

The best homemade dog food recipes are those that best address your pets' dietary needs and conditions depending on health, age and breed. Perhaps over and above many other things, this is the beauty of homemade dog food recipes. With proper consultation from animal health professionals, making your own dog food at home allows you to give what your dogs' needs, when they need it and how they need it.

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What Do Dog Training And Pregnant Women Have In Common?

Great news here at the Letendre domicile.

Rach found out last week that she is pregnant and we are both very happy.

I knew something was up a few weeks ago. You see, she started doing something she NEVER does.

Something I've never seen her do.

She started taking naps every day.

She and my little dog Martini go to the bedroom around 1:00PM and nap for about an hour.

When they go to take a nap I go to the kitchen and make some lunch for Rach.

The funny part is Martini.

She is in bed snoozing away but as soon as she hears the fridge open, she races down the stairs and immediately parks her little body next to me.

I laugh because I am very quiet but Martini's hearing is so tuned in to the sound of the fridge opening she responds very fast.

This is a perfect situation to train because I "expect" Martini to come racing when she hears the fridge.
Expecting is defined as:

"To look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of."

I know that Martini is going to come racing as soon as I open the fridge. Since I know this, I can call her name and the command "Come" and use this to reinforce the recall command.

Once she gets to me I can do some more training because she is "expecting" a reward.

Expectation can be very powerful when it comes to dog training.

"Expectation" the act of expecting is what you start doing once you are past the early stages of training. This is where you can start to reinforce obedience commands and behaviors because the dog already has a basic understanding of the commands.

When you first start training you have to lure your dog into the position and help out much more than when your dog starts to "get it."

Think of using expectation as your dog progresses with their training.

By using this technique to train your dog you'll start looking for different situations to apply this. I use the fridge as explained above but I also use car rides, holding the leash and even putting on my sneakers.

When my dog sees me putting on my sneakers she gets very excited with the expectation of going for a walk. I only put on my sneakers when I am going to take her for a walk so when she sees me reach for them I can do some quick obedience commands.

Try this out and improve your dog's obedience today.

This news article is brought to you by BLOGGING FOR MONEY - where latest news are our top priority.

Organic Dog Food for Pets

Organic dog food is the best type of food to serve to your pets and with very good reason. Organic food is completely natural, made only with the finest and freshest ingredients available. If you feed your dog organic, you know that what you are feeding them is actually good for their system and will not cause harm.

Unfortunately, many people do not know how good organic food is and how bad the commercial dog food can be. In fact, the commercial food, which is often advertised as being the best dog food in existence, typically contains useless ingredients that can cause serious problems.

Some of the problems that occur in dogs that eat commercial food include seizures, skin allergies and skin conditions, amongst various other health and medical conditions. If you love your dog, of course you do not want to see him or her suffer. You want what is best for your dog and the best food is the organic food because you actually know what your dog will be eating.

There have been a few studies on organic dog food and it is definitely proven to provide the vitamins and nutrients they need. While commercial food often contains substitutes and does not give enough protein, the organic food often contains raw meats and bones, which provides plenty of protein along with other vitamins and nutrients.

There are some people who may believe there is not much of a difference between the organic food for dogs and regular dog food but this is entirely untrue. The organic food is so much healthier and does not contain filler ingredients. Commercial food contains filler ingredients and you can easily check the ingredients on the back of any package of commercial dog food.

If you choose to feed your dog organic foods, he or she will greatly benefit from your decision. There are a lot of benefits that come along with eating organically. For example, dogs that eat organic are usually less likely to suffer from different health conditions and are also more likely to have strong teeth and bones. They are also usually more energized because they have gotten the right amount of protein that they needed.

As a pet owner, you cannot control everything but this is something that you can control. You may never have known about all of the useless ingredients that they put into commercial dog food but now that you know, you can make a wise decision for your dog.

With organic dog food, you can add years onto your dog's life. Your dog will be much healthier than before and you will even be able to notice a difference. Make a wise choice and choose organic foods

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The Affenpinscher in America

Affenpinschers were first listed in the American Kennel Club stud book in November 1936. At this time an abbreviated translation of the German standard was accepted as the American breed standard. The first entry in the stud book was for Nolli v Anwander. This was a German female imported in whelp by Mrs. Bessie Mally of Cicero, Illinois. The first male that she imported was Osko von der Franziskusklause. From 1936 to 1940, Mrs. Mally had 22 Affenpinschers listed in the stud books. During these years, 27 dogs were registered with the AKC. A few other enthusiasts also had imports or bred with Mrs. Mally's dogs. During this period Thelma D. Wolfe exhibited her dog, named Duke of became a champion. However, October 1940 was the last Affenpinschers entry in the Stud Book for the next nine years. Sadly, there are no records or reasons given for this abrupt end of the breeding of Affenpinschers in America. Likely US involvement with the Allies in World War II and the accompanying hostilities toward all things German led to the Affenpinscher's decline in popularity. No one seems to know what happened to these early dogs, and none is found in the pedigrees of the later dogs in America.

The renowned dog fancier Mrs. Henrietta Proctor Donnell Reilly, of Larchmount, NY, continued the exhibiting of the breed during these years. Her German import Ger. Ch. Niki v. Zwergteufel won Best of Breed at the Westminster Dog Show for six consecutive years, from 1938-1943. Then a kennel mate of Niki, Ger. Ch. Everl v. d. Franziskusklause, won for the next four years through 1947. No record of Mrs. Reilly's kennel name, Etty Haven, is found in the stud books, so no breeding of her Affenpinschers was done or none of these offspring was registered.

The next American encounter with this breed was in 1949, when an import owned by Mrs. Evelyne Brody, Ch. Bub v. Anwander, became the first Affenpinscher champion according to American Kennel Club(AKC) records. This dog also went on to become the first Affenpinscher to place in the Toy Group. During the next several years Mrs. Brody's kennel name, Cedarlawn, from Nashotah, Wisconsin, dominated the listings in the stud book. Many of the Affenpinschers today can trace their bloodlines back to the Cedarlawn dogs.

Soon Mrs. Walter Kauffmann and her daughters, Helga and Louisa, from Westwood, New Jersey, also imported dogs. Interestingly these later imports came from the same kennels in Germany from which Mrs. Mally had gotten her original dogs. The Kauffmanns, under the Walhof name, became prominent breeders and exhibitors. Helga Kauffmann exhibited extensively and had the top group-placing Affenpinschers for many years. Their champion Walhof Margaretenklause Ivy, a female, was the first Affenpinscher to win the Toy Group, and their Ch. Je-Bil's Yogi Bear was the first male Toy Group winner. Some of these early dogs produced colors other than black. When looking back at the AKC stud books, it seems that two of the Kauffmann imports, when bred together, produced reds. Ch. Kraus v. D. Margaretenklause and Ch. Blanka v. d. Charlottenhohe were the parents of Walhof Little Red Riding Hood. Later the Kauffmanns' Ch. Walhof Ivin was the first red champion, and his littermate Ch. Walhof Boutonniere became the first black-and-tan champion. These two dogs were out of Ch. Walhof Margaretenklause Lee and Walhof Margaretenklause Jan. When Boutonniere was bred to Little Red Riding Hood they produced top-winning Ch. Walhof Ivy, a black-and-tan group winner, and Ch. Walhof Blackberry Brandi. With the help of Jerry Zalon they produced many dogs of colors other than black. From these early dogs the color genes can be traced into England and continental Europe today. The Kauffmanns were probably the most instrumental breeders in the development of the Affenpinscher in America. The Walhof prefix is behind nearly all of the dogs in Morth America and England.

Another important kennel that greatly influenced Affenpinscher in the '50s and '60s was Arthur and Mary Harringon's Aff -Airn kennels from Albany, New York. Aff-Airn continued on with what Mrs. Brody had begun. They also bred with the Walhof kennels. One among many notable dogs of their breeding, Ch. Aff-Airn Tag Along, made a significant contribution to the breed.

In 1958, Mrs. Florence Strohmaier became a friend of the Harringtons and started working with the Aff-Airn Affens. After the death of Mary and Arthur, Mrs. Strohmaier continued their lines but went out on her own under the name Flo-Star kennels. Her dogs continued to have an impact on the breed in the US, Canada, England, Irland, Scotland, Holland and Germany. Ch. Flo-Star's Adam of Joy, a grandson of Ch. Walhof Boutonniere, is behind many of the top-winning and top-producing Affenpinschers. Am. , Can. and Bermuda Ch. Flo-Star's Holy Terror and Am. , Can. , Bermuda and Dutch Ch. Flo-Star's Tandy Tane were some of Mrs. Strohmaier's important contributors to the breed. Ch. Flo-Star's Titus Tiberius, CD was one of the first conformation- and obedience-titled Affenpinschers to get Toy Group placements. Primarily known for her black dogs, Mrs. Strohmaier won Winners Dog and Winners Bitch at the 1997 national specialty with her red or wild boar Affens. The Flo-Star Affens are known for their typey heads and good substance. Until her death in 2005, Flo Strohmaier consistently remained involved with the Affenpinscher. Her 48 years in the breed stand as a legacy, making her involvement longer than that of any other breeder in America.

In the early 1960s, Tobin Jackson and D. V. Gibbs got their start in Affenpinscher from the Walhof and Aff-Airn kennels. Soon the Deer Run Affenpinschers from French-town, New Jersey were making a mark in the dog world. Most American Affenpinschers have Deer Run bloodlines behind them. Jackson and Gibbs also wrote about the breed in How to Raise and Train an Affenpinscher, published in 1969, now out of print. Mr. Jackson also wrote interesting and informative articles for the magazine Popular Dogs. In the mid-'60s, Bonnie(Hawkins) Sellner began working with and showing the Deer Run dogs. Mrs. Sellner has worked with several other kennels, helping with their breeding programs and exhibiting their Affenpinschers.
Imported Affenpinschers continued to make their mark into the 1960s. Mrs. Lester H. Tillman, Jr. of Oyster Bay, New York, owned and exhibited the top-winning Affenpinscher of 1963, Ch. Babs von Reburg. This little dog came from Austria.

A number of midwestern breeders helped to advance the breed during the 1960s and '70s. Jean and Bill Becker, from Decatur, Illinois, starting with the Walhof lines, bred and exhibited many fine Affenpinschers under the Je-Bil kennel name. The Kauffmanns owned and exhibited Ch. Je-Bil's Yogi Bear, who was one of that era's top show dogs.

The Reverend Clyde Zarski and his Apache kennels from Rhinelander, Wisconsin combined the Walhof and Aff-Airn lines to produce a number of fine champions. Mrs. Lois Wolf(McManus)White, now a dog show judge living in California, handled dogs for and co-owned dogs with Rev. Zarski. One of these dogs of note was top-winning Ch. Apache Cricket Again. Mrs. White also bred a few litters and has been active with the development of the AKC Affenpinscher breed video and the breed standard. In the 1970s Kay Wurtz, also from Wisconsin, under the King's Royal name, continued with the Apache lines and bred and showed Affens until the late '80s.

It seems that the 1960s brought much enthusiasm, interest and controversy to breed. Breeders gathered to from a club but soon there were arguments over the standard and, specifically, over the height of the Affenpinscher. Some wanted the breed to remain at 10. 25 inches. Others felt that the dogs would be sounder and easier to breed if they were a bit larger. This battle became heated and caused a split in the club, with one faction forming the American Affenpinscher Association and the other the Affenpinscher Club of America. With time and civility the fancy joined together again as the Affenpinscher Club of America, which still exists but is still often embroiled in controversy.

The Affenpinscher, as a respected show dog with consistent group placements, started to make its mark in the mid-1970s. More professional handlers and enthusiastic breeder-exhibitions got involved. The overall quality and showmanship in the breed improved. A more refined and sculptured appearance for the show ring developed. The judges took note and more and more Affenpinschers began placing and winning in the toy ring. However, what the appropriate look is or how much grooming is right for the breed added to the controversy.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Best Dog Breeds - No Such Thing?

On first consideration, it would be quite easy to determine that there is really no such thing as best dog breeds. When you take into account the large number of dog types and the roles that they have been bred to do, trying to choose the best of them all becomes daunting if not an impossible endeavor.

Beyond that, expecting breed alone to be the deciding factor in choosing your best friend is risky at best. You know what I mean. All of us know a neighbor, friend or family member who has adopted a dog from the pound or inherited a canine with dubious lineage, only to end up with the most adorable, obedient, smart companion possible. Mind you, it helps that the pet was treated kindly and cared for by the previous owner. Add children to the equation and the question of best dog breeds goes out the window. They just care that their new companion is fun-loving and playful.

So, are there truly best dog breeds?

It is true that if you do have special needs, or are looking for a dog to assist with very distinct activities such as hunting, search & rescue or patrolling you back yard for critters, then there are best dog breeds for these situations. In fact, it's evident that most dogs have been specifically bred over many generations to excel at very particular duties or to display defined personality traits useful in a variety of applications. For example, you might not want to send a terrier to retrieve a duck or a mountain dog to ferret out a squirrel. On the other hand, if you really did want to recover a duck, choosing between the many retriever breeds would be the way to go. Seems obvious, but much effort, genetic experimentation and expense has led to the breeds we know of today and their inherent specialties, attributes, personalities, temperament and size for which they are known.

Are you an allergic person? Do dogs bother you; make your life miserable but would like to own a dog?

It may mean that you just haven't met your best dog breed. Dogs that address this need generally do not shed or shed very little. Shedding can be a major cause of an allergic reaction. Limited or no shedding dogs therefore could be perfect for you. Also, breeds that do not drool or manufacture less saliva can be better companions to an allergic person. Dander also is a contributing factor so be on the look out for breeds that minimally produce it. An allergy doesn't have to mean that you can't enjoy the companionship of a dog. It does mean that you must do your homework regarding the characteristics of particular breeds to find a subset of dogs that don't "get under your skin."

On a different level, you may have the need to protect a home or place of work or wish to have a particular area guarded. Numerous dog breeds are perfect for just this type of requirement. They tend to be especially protective of their owners and their owner's family. This gives them an inherent mistrust of those that are not recognizable or might be a threat. With proper training and socialization as puppies, these breeds can be simultaneously loving and watchful at the same time. They can be bold and daring when necessity requires but only when they perceive a threat. As a result, early and effective training is essential for these types of breeds.

Just two examples of how specific dog breeds can be the answer to an owners preferences or needs. There is no utilitarian dog breed in my opinion. Oh sure, some breeds, by their nature, size and bearing, will be more successful in more diverse situations, but generally speaking, dogs are very much the product of their breed. You need to determine exactly what is it that you are looking for in a companion, protector or both. Will children or elderly be significantly involved in the relationship? If so, the dogs demeanor is very important and therefore critical to a successful pairing.

Throughout this article, we have primarily discussed breeds. It is worth mentioning that dogs of mixed breed can be every bit as playful, loving, protective, smart and talented as a pure breed. City and county pounds are full of just these types of dogs. In fact, it could be said that your best dog breed is just such an animal. Rescuing a dog is not only an honorable thing to do but could very well reward you with a best friend that meets all you requirements.

Also, breeding alone doesn't produce the perfect dog. Owners must return the affection they receive, care for, protect and effectively train their dog to ensure a happy, healthy and emotionally balanced companion.

Your best dog breed is for you to determine. With the proper research you will find your companion, protector or hunting buddy and be rewarded with many years of affection and enjoyment.

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Mix Up Your Wedding With a Puppy Ring Bearer

When you talk about weddings, many people automatically think of the bride but this is a big day for the groom, too. In fact, it's one of the most significant days in your life. For this reason, you want it to be special and stand out in every way. So, why not mix up your wedding with a puppy ring bearer. Not only will this add to the excitement but it's also a great way to include your four-legged friend in one of the biggest days of your life.

The ring bearer has a very important role in your wedding but it's a small enough part that it's easy to train your pup to do it. All he has to do it walk straight down the aisle and then sit or lay down at your feet so you can retrieve the rings. Just imagine how amazed all of your friends and family will be to see your pet participating in your wedding ceremony.

Two Ways to Carry the Rings

There are two ways for your puppy to carry the rings down the aisle. If your pup is calm, well trained and don't mind having things on his back, you can use a pillow for the rings just like the ones used in traditional weddings but designed especially for dogs. These will strap to your pet to keep it from falling off as he walks towards you.

The second way is to attach the rings to your pet's collar. This is great for those dogs that don't particularly like anything riding on their backs. If you choose this method, you can buy him a special collar that matches your tuxedo so he will fit in perfectly, which brings us to another good point. When your dog is your ring bearer, he needs to dress for the part.

Doggie Wedding Attire for Your Pup

Including your dog in your wedding is a growing trend that gets more popular every year. For this reason, designers are making more wedding attire for dogs. Traditionally, the ring bearer will wear a tuxedo and your puppy can follow that tradition, too.

There are many tuxedos available for your pet that will compliment your tux perfectly. You can choose the traditional black and white attire or choose a pinstripe or plaid design. You can also find doggie wedding attire in silver, taupe and even Leopard print. You can add bow ties and doggie cuffs to set off the tux even more.

If dressing your puppy in attire is not an option, don't worry. You can try a tuxedo scarf, a simple necktie or a beautifully designed collar. Either one of these will allow him to be comfortable while still being dressed for the occasion.

While having your puppy as your ring bearer is a great idea and something that will truly make your wedding memorable, keep in mind that even the best-behaved pets can be unpredictable. He may decide he does not want to walk down the aisle in front of all those people or he may get restless during the ceremony. For this reason, you need to have a back-up plan and someone to remove your pet to an area where he will be more comfortable if necessary.

Friday, May 25, 2012

My Dog And Its Play Time

Playing Styles

A dog's experiences establish the trends that continue throughout its life. This especially applies to the way it play and interacts with its owner. Young puppies will instinctively chase a toy, and it is generally easy to persuade a puppy to bring the toy back as it soon realizes that you will throw it again, allowing the game to continue. Your pet's ancestry is also significant to some extent. Retrievers, for example, almost instinctively bring back toys that are thrown for them. A dog's superior sense of smell also means that it can locate toys that have fallen out of sight, for example, in a ditch or under a hedge.

Skilled soccer players?!?!

On hard surfaces, some dogs learn to use their front paws as legs, to control the movement of the ball, like a soccer player uses his or her feet when dribbling a ball.

Toys for different breeds

Mastiff-type dogs, which tends to not be as athletic as many other breeds, are also less enthusiastic about chasing after a ball. Instead, they prefer toys that they can chew with their powerful jaws, or ones that can be used safely in a tug-of-war. As described above, you will need to train your pet to release the toy when instructed, as required.

Learning to drop objects

Early play with your pet provides the opportunity to teach it not just to drop its toy when instructed, but also to open its mouth. This allows you to take away objects such as shoes that you do not want chewed and will also simplify the task of giving tablets when they are needed in the future. A dog that is used to having its mouth opened from puppyhood will never resent this procedure later in life. However, an adult dog confronted by having its jaws unexpectedly pried apart is likely to act aggressively, out of fear. With your hands so close to its jaws, you can easily be bitten. It is not a difficult lesson to teach, and your dog will soon come to realize that dropping its toy will allow you both to continue the game. Place your left hand over the top of the dog's muzzle and use your other hand to pry the lower jaw down gently. Use the command "drop" as you do so.

No Teasing Your Dog?!?!

Dogs can wait for their chew toy intently, sitting and waiting for it to be given to him. Avoid inadvertently teasing your pet in any way with a toy - which you can do by keeping it just out of reach - because you could cause it to become so frustrated that it tried to grab the toy aggressively.

How to Naturally Treat Diarrhea in Dogs

It's important to know that diarrhea is not an illness but a symptom of any number of problems that are interrupting the function of the large intestine.It is also important to identify the cause as trying to just suppress this symptom will only bring about short lived, temporary relief which may cause long term health implications. Once identified, different causes will require different treatments.

Diarrhea can be mild and self limiting, or very debilitating and even fatal. It may or may not be accompanied by gas and abdominal discomfort. If your dog is still happy, with good energy level, and doesn't refuse water an acute episode of diarrhea may be the body's attempt at internal cleansing and purging. If however the diarrhea persists for more than a few days, contains blood, if there is associated vomiting, your dog is becoming increasingly lethargic, and refuses to drink, please seek the advice from your veterinarian as soon as possible. With each passing day of chronic diarrhea nutrients are lost in the stool, which lowers your dog's general vitality. Your dog may need to go on an IV for loss of fluids immediately if this is the case.

Causes and Contributing factors to diarrhea

A dog with chronic diarrhea and gas, and accompanying skin problems may be suffering from a food allergy. Frequent offenders are preservatives (ethoxyquin, propylene glycol), artificial flavouring and coloring, dyes, salt, sugar, fungi, bacteria, germs all found in commercial dog foods (read more about What's Really in Your Dogs Food article). Most common foods that may cause allergy include: beef, beef by-products, corn and corn oil, fish, turkey, pork, ham, cows milk (lactose intolerance), yeast, eggs, wheat or any food containing these. Please note that all commercial tinned food and biscuits, treats all contain sugar, salt, corn and wheat. Unless diet is strictly addressed, ongoing diarrhea may continue presenting.

Consider also the following contributing factors diarrhea may be due to:

• stress and anxiety
• over eating
• high fat diet
• vaccinations (due to meat extract that certain vaccines are grown in, thus long term leading to sensitivities and autoimmune disorders)
• undiagnosed IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
• leaky gut syndrome (intestinal dysbiosis/ hyper permeability)
• a foreign body ingestion
• gastritis, colitis (intestinal inflammation)
• the pancreas and/or liver failing to produce enzymes properly or sufficiently
• food poisoning
• excess vitamin C
• bacteria, virus (i.e. parvovirus, distemper)
• parasites i.e. worms
• drug related complication (most drugs are residual and are never completely eliminated as in the waste from food but are stored up in the body)
• side effect of certain drugs (i.e. antibiotics)
• liver disease
• pancreatitis,
• stomach ulcer
• cancer
• could also indicate that the liver and kidneys are overwhelmed with toxins that they are unable to process which leads to purging i.e. diarrhea.

Helpful suggestions to relieve diarrhea

The most beneficial initial step is to put your dog on a liquid fast. Withhold all solid food and only allow a liquid diet consisting of juices (i.e. apple juice is very healing in diarrhea), broths, and filtered water. If you suspect your dog's diarrhea is due to an infection, you can add colloidal silver to his drinking water. The reason for not feeding further is that a dog's digestive system has a gastrocolic reflex. This means that the colon will empty as the stomach fills. Thus, to stop the colon from emptying and break this cycle of diarrhea, its best to stop ingesting food (or only as little as possible). In most cases, dogs instinctively will refuse food when they are unwell. By fasting, the irritated digestive system is given a chance to rest and heal.

Slippery elm is highly nutritious, very soothing and healing to irritated mucous membranes. Slippery Elm bark powder can heal and reduce the frequency of diarrhea in dogs quickly and naturally. It relieves internal inflammations, protects against infection, stimulates new cell growth, and causes swollen irritated tissue to contract-it has an affinity for the digestive tract where it acts as an astringent, therefore particularly indicated for treating diarrhea. It normalizes intestinal function, is rich in protein, trace minerals, and is easy for your dog to digest,

Directions: Combine ¼ cup slippery elm powder with 2 tablespoons acidophilus powder (good bacteria for the gut that needs to be reestablished) and 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt (source of more minerals that have been lost due to the diarrhea). Add enough water to make a runny syrup which you can feed to your dog either by spoon, syringe or dropper. Give approximately 1 tablespoon per 5kg of your dog's body weight, every 2-3 hours in an acute situation. You can sweeten the mixture with some raw organic (unprocessed) honey for taste. In occasional diarrhea you can add the mixture with plenty of water to your dog's daily meals. Once his bowels have returned to normal, reduce the frequency and stop

Fiber supplements such as (apple) pectin, psyllium husks can help bind and relieve diarrhea. With psyllium husks 1-2 teaspoons with very little water (or apple juice) is effective. Grated green apple (no skin) left to brown for a few minutes, (sweetened with honey if necessary) is also good at controlling diarrhea.

Chamomile tea is soothing, healing and relaxing to both the digestive and nervous system. Chamomile would particularly be indicated if your dog's diarrhea is due to stress and anxiety, and if there is accompanying abdominal discomfort and gas. Make a strong brew using two (organic) teabags, or a teaspoon loose leaf. Pour half cup of boiling water, cover and seep for 10 minutes. Once it has cooled and is just warm, you many add a little manuka honey to sweeten and taste. You may syringe (or use dropper) and slowly give to your dog this way. Yarrow is another herb which is excellent for controlling diarrhea.

For management of chronic or recurrent diarrhea, in addition to concurrently using supportive supplements that address the cause, the following recipe may be helpful:

Gently boil together 50% white potato, 50% sweet potato, and a slice of turnip. For flavour, mix in with boiled chicken or lamb. This recipe can be given for longer periods to help ease diarrhea.

Once your dog is showing signs of recovery, reintroduce solid food gradually and in smaller amounts. The Recovery Broth for Dogs recipe would be beneficial and gently healing at this stage.

Always ensure your dog has access to sufficient water and monitor his recovery closely. In most cases, dogs recover quite well after a period of fasting and bounce back with even more vitality. If however, your dogs diarrhea continues and you are unable to identify a cause please check with your holistic veterinarian to rule out any more serious health implications.

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Useful Information About Havanese Breed of Dogs

It is believed that the Havanese dog is a crossbreed of the poodle and the extinct Bichon Tenerife. It is also believed that the first breed of this dog was found in the Canary Islands. Let us look at some of the characteristics of the Havanese breed of dogs that make them unique.

One of the beautiful things about these dogs is that they have an elegant and beautiful coat. The touch and feel of the coat is similar to that of silk. To ensure that the coat remains beautiful and elegant, it has to be groomed regularly. This will prevent the coat from matting.

Some dog professionals have classified this dog as being hypoallergenic. This means that people who have allergies can have these types of dogs as their pets because they usually don't shed their coat. If you search for images of this dog breed online, you will find that many of them are small dogs. They are similar to toys which one can easily play with.

When compared to other breeds of dogs, the Havanese breed is much easier to train.

Just like human beings, the Havenese breed has to be fed 3 times a day. The food should be given in regulated amounts. You should not give these dogs leftover food. For them to grow well, you have to give them dog food which can be purchased from the retail stores. Once in a while, you can 'spoil' them with a few healthy snacks including egg whites, apples that don't have seeds and carrots. The Havanese breed can also feed on raw diet which can be obtained from butcher shops and supermarkets. Some of the advantages of feeding them with raw diet is that it improves the beauty and texture of their coat, they thrive longer and their health in enhanced.

These types of dogs are very affectionate and gentle. They love to play a lot. They are very social dogs. Dog trainers recommend that these types of dogs should not be left alone for a long time because of their temperament. Leaving them alone will make them suffer from separation anxiety. Being social dogs, it would be best if they always had company.

The above are a few facts about Havanese breed of dogs. If you are looking for a wonderful lifetime and lifestyle pet, then the Havanese breed of dog is the one for you.

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