Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tips For Locating The Best Dog Exercise Areas

Dog exercise areas are necessary for any good dog owner, whether on an overseas journey or across the state. These areas are a great place for your dog to get some exercise and burn off any excess energy.

Finding new dog exercise areas can be, obviously, something of a challenge when it comes to finding one of these areas while on vacation. However, like with everything else in life, it really all boils down to knowing where to look for what you need.

Depending on where you're from, you can probably find a website that operates as a search engine for dog parks and other pet-friendly areas in your state or country. All you have to do is enter the city and state you'll be visiting, and you'll get all matching results for the area. Find a good site and it really is that simple. After you enter your search information, you'll probably get a host of handy details like the addresses of nearby dog exercise areas, how big they are, what regulations are involved, and how to find them.

It's also handy to look for the website of the local government in the area you're travelling to. Some local governments have all sorts of pet-related information about the local areas they serve, as well as information on their specific dog exercise areas and the rules you are expected to follow there.

People who want to find dog exercise areas for their pets and take them along on vacation know that traveling with their pets can be a heck of a lot of fun. For one thing, pets are great companions while traveling, and you'll never get lonely. Furthermore, having pets with you on vacation is a great motivation for you to go out and enjoy the sights and the scenes of the areas in which you are traveling. Pet dogs hate to stay cooped up indoors, which is why taking them along for a holiday is a great idea -- for you and the pooch.

Before you take your pet dog on the road, it pays to do your homework to find out if the places you're heading to are going to be truly pet-friendly. Your idea of what constitutes pet-friendly accommodation or services might be completely different to the landlord around the corner's or the cafe-owner down the street. Find out first.

You also need to take your dog to the vet and get him clearance to travel, because a last-minute checkup by the vet can make a huge difference for the upcoming travel plans. Other tips include packing all of the provisions your dog will require and making certain that his ID tags are all updated with current information. Finding the best dog-exercise areas for you both to run around in after doing all that will be a whole lot more rewarding, too.

This news article is brought to you by FOOD AND DRINKS NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Pet Sitting Information

If you like pets and would like to make money while attending to them, try pet sitting. Pet sitting is a much needed service that can be a part time or full time job. You can devote half hour increments to each sitting assignment for a specific amount of money. It is up to your client how much time and money might be required per pet. This is something that must be discussed from the very beginning.

In the past few years pet sitting has become very popular in the United States. It is a job that not everyone is instinctively qualified for, but if you are motivated towards pets, the field is wide open. The time you spend with these pets can be a lot of fun and allow you a flexible schedule while enjoying the rewards.

There is not a great deal of training required to be a great pet sitter. All you need is a genuine love of animals and the ability, and patience, to provide your service.

A main asset for pet sitting is to understand the pet's body language, this way you will be able to provide their wants and needs. The dog will, in return, study your body language and adjust its behavior as you get to know each other.

Ask the owner, "What are the pet's habits and what are its reactions certain situations?" Remember that while you are studying the animal, it in return is studying you. It is a good idea to ask important questions to the owner that will assist you in becoming a better sitter.

Most people that like pets and have not only one but several. The better you understand the different types of pets and their behavior, the better and more knowledgeable you'll be at what is required of you as a sitter. It requires a little knowledge, a little patience, and caring, to do the job

Study the relationship of the owner with the pet and try to adapt the same practices in your situation. Keep in tune to their interaction and you will make things a lot easier for yourself. Paying attention to small details will bring you large rewards. Be sincere, ask questions and don't try to be a "professional". You'll learn that each pet has its own needs and mannerisms. You cannot be too vigilant! Pet owners mostly want a person who cares for their pets. Pet owners can spot another animal lover.

It is important to make a list of your needs and share it with your client. After all, you are the person that will be responsible for their loving pet for long periods of time - that is, if you do the job well from the beginning. Ask the client for his/her list of requirements. This way you will be in constant control of whatever situation might arise. Make sure that you satisfy your client and make the pet happy and help it to understand, and like, you in return.

Don't take any unnecessary chances; be as precise as possible from the very beginning. Do not assume anything. By asking questions and applying the knowledge to your routine you will be in better control over pet's behavior and everyone will be happy.

Best of luck to you in your new enterprise.

This news article is brought to you by HOME-BREWING - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Remove Your Dog's Stains From Your Floor

We all know the story. You turn your back and your pet decides that your floor is a good place to relieve itself. There are few things more snarl-worthy than when you just get home from a beautiful restaurant, open your door, and smell something off. Oh no, you think as you walk in and turn your nose towards your living room, already knowing that something went wrong. Your dog is meek and has sidled up next to you, and you both move into the living room together. This article will help you find and then clean up what you see when you walk into the living room, whether that be urine, feces, or vomit.

In order to clean the mess, you first have to find it. A tip that can save you a lot of time blindly following your nose is to purchase a black light. A portable black light can show you even old urine stains, and all you have to do is turn out the lights, turn on the black light, and then determine where the mess is. Once you've found it, outline it with a piece of chalk or string.

If your dog has been throwing up, contact a veterinarian if you believe it may be health-related. If your dog has been going to the bathroom in the middle of your house, it is absolutely essential to remove the scent of its urine or feces from the house. If you do not, then any training methods you use to try and convince the pup to go outside will be thwarted, as they are creatures of habit.

If you walk in to find your carpeted areas or upholstery fresh with feces, urine, or vomit stains, soak up as much of the excrement as you possibly can. Do this by removing any solid bits and then covering the stain with paper towels and then laying newspapers on top of the paper towels. Stand on it for a minute or two. Repeat until the area is dry. If you have a place where you would like your dog to do its business, take the paper towel that has been soaked with urine and place it in the designated pee/poo spot. After you've done that, you can take some cold water and rinse the area of your dog's accident by blotting it or using a wet vac.

If you walk in to find your washable items wet with urine, add a pound of baking soda to your regular detergent during the washing phase and then hang it out to dry. Many pet stores offer a product called enzymatic cleaners that break down your pooch's poop and pee smell.

If you walk into your hardwood-floored living room and see dog urine or vomit, use this little trick, and do it quick: if you leave vomit/urine on a hardwood floor too long, a gross black stain will be your punishment. Once the floor is discolored, there has already been a chemical reaction where the varnish or wood has reacted to the urine's acidic properties. You need to act quickly.

First, immediately soak up all excess excrement with dry paper towels. Lay the paper towels on the hardwood floor and allow the urine/vomit to soak into the paper towel. Once completed, reach for the paper towels again, only this time take a trip to the bathroom and grab some peroxide. Douse the dry paper towels in peroxide and lay them in sheets along where the poor pup had its accident. Once you've completed this, cover the whole mess with a black garbage bag and leave it be for a good six hours, checking every couple of hours on the progress. If you've caught it in time, you will have removed all the urine/vomit that was soaking into the wood, and will have avoided the need for new flooring. If you still smell any urine or vomit, grab some white vinegar: it's an acid while urine is a base. Many professional rug-cleaning companies spray vinegar on wood- or concrete-staining dog excrement to remove the smell. It neutralizes it. Then, of course, clean it all up.

If you follow these directions, you will hopefully be able to remove any mess your dog made while you were out. Good luck!

This news article is brought to you by PET-FRIENDLY-RENTALS - where latest news are our top priority.

Teach Your Labrador to Retrieve

This lesson requires that the dog enjoys playing with a dummy in a controlled space such as a garden or yard; that she comes to a recall; and she is obedient to a sit. Teaching this is the first stage in handling your dog to a blind retrieve, and teaching it correctly will result in a dog willing to run out several hundred yards until you tell it to start hunting for the retrieve.

Sending Your Labrador Out.

We are going to teach your dog that when you say there is a retrieve behind them, they can believe you. We can teach this quite quickly by explaining it to the dog in her terms, and always helping her succeed. By careful training, the confidence that your dog has in you is increased, and this in turn builds her confidence in herself.

Explaining the Out Command to Your Labrador

Once your dog is retrieving freely in the yard; will both heel and sit reliably; and come when called you are ready to start teaching this lesson. The ideal location to teach this is a path or lane where there is not much to distract the dog.

With the dog at heel (on a lead if necessary to stop her running after the dummy), throw the dummy a few paces behind her and make sure she sees it. Walk on a few paces, and give her the sit command. Quietly and calmly, when she is paying you attention, remove the lead, give the sit command again if you think she will break for the dummy, and back away from her.

At this point the dummy, the dog and you will be in a line. If you have this working, she will be watching you, and you will be watching her, and the dummy will be behind her.

Raise your right arm vertically, palm facing the dog, and bring it down towards the dummy, at the same time saying 'Out!' clearly and quietly. Emphasise the arm movement - this is like speaking to a child and being as clear as possible. If she understands the intention she will start to go towards the dummy - praise her up to let her know she is doing the right thing.

If she is confused, run past her, clapping your hands or whatever you do to get her going, and encourage her to fetch the dummy. Encourage her straight back to you once she has the dummy in her mouth. If you had to run past her to get her to fetch it, walk away from her backwards, encouraging her to come to you. Don't trip if you do this.

Make this lesson the first and last of each training session for a few days, until she is confident on the intention of the command.

Once you can do this quietly and happily, gradually extend the distance, and as she gets near the dummy say There! or Lost! depending on your preference. This teaches the dog that she is in the rough vicinity of the retrieve and hands control for the subsequent search over to her.

What is the Next Step in Teaching My Labrador to Retrieve?

The next step will be twofold; extend the distance you can send the dog and teach them to go for blind retrieves.

And of course, keep it fun for you and the dog.

This news article is brought to you by CATS - where latest news are our top priority.

Insulated Dog Houses Provide Dogs With Ultimate Protection

Dogs are furry creatures but this doesn't mean that they are exempt from buckling from extreme cold or panting from extreme heat. There are particular breeds that can't endure temperature at very low degrees. Their bodily systems may collapse during extreme cold which may cause them to die from hypothermia. Severe heat can also harm dogs. Like humans, they can suffer from heat stroke and may die from extreme heat. If your pet has to remain outside, you need an insulated dog house to make your pet safe from the cold of the winter, the heat of the summer, and other harmful elements.

An insulated dog house will make sure your dog is comfortable during its stay outside. It's a specially designed shelter that makes use of high quality material handpicked for its efficient insulating properties. A dog house with insulation can repel some of the heat during sunny and hot days. During nippy and colder months, its interiors are kept warm and comfortable. When purchasing a dog house, you don't have to settle for anything fancy but you need to make sure you choose the one that provides the ultimate protection and comfort for your furry buddy.

Insulated houses for dogs come in a wide variety of styles and sizes. They are also made using different materials but some materials are better than the others. Some people opt for houses made from plastic since these shelters are lightweight, cheap and they repel insects. While these units can help protect dogs from rain, snow and wind, they are not effective in retaining the heat that emanates from the dog's body. These types of pet houses can't provide ample protection from the extreme heat of the sun. There are even plastic houses that can make dogs feel hotter instead of cooling their body temperature down.

When it comes to getting an insulated house that your dog can use for many years, an insulated dog house made from wood has been proven to provide any dog with optimum protection. Insulated wood houses for dogs generally cost more but they look better and most importantly, they function as a natural insulator. The wood used in building these houses keeps your pet comfortable inside and creates a perfect ambient temperature for your dog to enjoy.

Wood shelters built with Cedar wood typically offer the best protection for dogs. Cedar wood has superior properties that enable it to trap and repel heat whenever necessary. Most Cedar wood houses for dogs have special Therma-Ply linings to make them even more efficient in making dogs comfortable. The innovative Therma-Ply material repels the summer heat that strikes a dog house to prevent interior overheating. It's also capable of trapping heat to keep your dog warm during chilly months.

Insulated houses are what dogs really need since these houses are built with dogs' ultimate welfare in mind. When your dog's house is not properly insulated, you can see your dog panting with its tongue sticking out when it feels extremely hot, or curling up when it feels really cold. Dogs are vulnerable to outside elements because they are not fully protected by their fur. Providing dogs with insulated dog houses will make them comfortable, relaxed and happy.

Food You Should Never Feed Your Dog

What you feed your pet determines its longevity and health. That is why it is important to pay heed to what you are feeding to them; a slight mistake in feeding can cause severe health problems and can lead to an upset stomach, diarrhea, serious health issues or even death.

There are some varieties of food that are nutritious for human beings but can be harmful for dogs. Here are some foods that one should not feed their pets.

1. Chocolates, coffee: They contain theobromine and caffeine, which are toxic to dogs if eaten in a large quantity. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, rapid or irregular heartbeat, restlessness, muscle tremors, seizures or even death

2. Grapes and raisins: They can cause acute kidney failure. Grapes provoke vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy in dogs.

3. Avocadoes: They contain persin. Dishes that are made of avocadoes, like guacamole dips, cause vomiting and diarrhea.

4. Garlic and onions: They can damage the red blood cells; they can rupture or make them lose their capability to carry oxygen effectively, which can lead to life threatening anemia. Don't use garlic for fleas; it is harmful rather than helpful.

5. Macadamia nuts: Although they are an excellent source of vitamin E for humans, they are fatal for canines. Just a few macadamia nuts can cause vomiting, tremors, weakness and joint pain.

6. Xylitol: It is an artificial sweetener; found in candies, sweets and mint. It is hazardous
for dogs.

7. Bones from fish, poultry or other meat sources: They can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system.

8. Citrus oil extract: It can cause vomiting

9. Fat trimmings: They can cause pancreatitis.

10. Fish (raw, canned or cooked): If fed in a high amount it can cause vitamin B deficiency; leading to loss of appetite, seizures and in severe cases even death

11. Human supplements containing iron: They can damage the lining of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs including the liver and kidneys.

12. Mushrooms: They affect multiple systems in the body; can cause shock and result in death.

13. Pits from peaches and plums: They can cause obstruction of the digestive tract.

14. Raw eggs: They contain enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin. This can lead to skin and hair coat problems.

15. Raw meat: It may contain bacteria such as salmonella and E.coli, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

16. Salt: Eating too much of salt can cause excessive thirst and urination and lead to sodium ion poisoning. Symptoms of high intake of salt include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature and seizures. It may even cause death.

17. Sugary food and drinks: It causes obesity, dental problems such as tooth decay, joint problems diabetes; it is noted that obese dogs are at higher risk of diabetes. Excessive sweet food retards calcium metabolism and initiates skeletal problems including bone loss and arthritis.

18. Yeast dough: It can stretch dog's abdomen and cause severe pain.

19. Milk and milk products: They can cause diarrhea or other digestive upsets. Pets do not possess significant amount of lactase; the enzyme that breaks down lactose into milk.

This news article is brought to you by CANCER - where latest news are our top priority.

10 Best Dog Training Tools for New Dog Owners

Now that you've decided to adopt a new puppy, or adult doggy, it's time to start thinking about the things you'll need to help you start training. But where do you even begin? Just walk into any pet store and you can find yourself overwhelmed. There are so many different kinds of leashes, collars, dog foods, not to mention isles of toys.

Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it seems! You'll just need a few essential items to begin with. Check out our list of the 10 best dog training tools for new dog owners to guide you through the process.

Treats - Treats are vital for training and serve as a reward. Make sure you choose a flavor that your dog really loves as it makes it even more effective. You'll also want to read the ingredient list to make sure they don't contain any soy, corn, wheat, or artificial colors/flavors.

Dental Chews - Dental chews are nice treats for your puppy or grown up dog. It helps satisfy their need to chew, keeps their teeth clean and their breath fresh. They often contain antioxidants and other nutrients that your pup needs.

Chew Toys - Chew toys are so useful for puppies that are going through their chewing phase. You may find yourself going through quite a few of them before he gets out of this stage. Try and purchase one that's heavy duty, so you can save yourself some money. Some of those heavy duty ones have holes in the bottom so you can stuff them with treats. This will help encourage them to chew on the toy as if rewards a really yummy treat!

Chew Deterrent Spray - If you've just adopted a new puppy, you'll want to be prepared for their chewing stage. Sprays, like Grannick's Bitter Apple, will deter them from chewing on inappropriate items. They are safe for furnishings, including wood. They're also safe to spray on your pup to stop them from chewing, gnawing or licking themselves. These would be especially useful if they have an injury, or engage in OCD behaviors that can cause them to chew themselves raw.

A Pooper Scooper - When you adopt your new furry friend, one of the first things that should be on your list is a pooper scooper! They make cleaning up after your dog so much cleaner and easier. Nobody likes to do it, but it's a necessity and, in some places, the law. Unless you prefer to have a yard full of 'you know what', you'll need one.

Waste Bags - Waste bags are also an essential. You can use them with your pooper scooper, or on their own. Either way, you'll have a nice clean yard!

Stain and Odor Remover - It's inevitable that your dog will have an accident or two in the house. There will also be occasions where their tummy's might get upset and make a mess on your carpet. Hiring a carpet cleaner each time one of these things happen can become costly and unrealistic. A good stain and odor remover can be a life saver! Many of these products also work well for food, blood, grease, dirt, smoke and even perspiration stains. Definitely something you always want to have on hand!

Harnesses - One of the first things you'll teach your dog is leash manners. A harness will gently discourage your dog from pulling while out on the leash. If you are the owner of a bigger dog, you're well aware of how powerful their tugs can be! Look for harnesses that have a front-chest attachment. They will tighten across the dog's chest and shoulders whenever they pull. Don't worry, it's a gentle, but firm grip, so your pup will experience no pain.

Leashes - If you prefer not to have a harness, or your dog no longer pulls, you'll need a leash. The retractable leashes give your dog some freedom while your on your daily walks. My dog likes to smell around bushes, so this gives her the freedom to do so without my having to follow her into them. Retractables come with a "brake" button to restrict the line when needed as well.

Walk Through Gates - Gates are wonderful tools for training, especially for puppies. They teach your pup boundaries by keeping them from going into unwanted places. The walk through gates allow you to easily move in and out of the space without having to hop around. One of the great things about investing in one of these gates is that they can also be used to keep children out of unwanted places, giving it multiple uses.

This news article is brought to you by SELF-ESTEEM - where latest news are our top priority.

Large Dog Clothes Are Popular Too

When you think of doggie clothing, the first thing that probably comes to mind is a tiny dog all decked out in decorative clothing but large dog clothes are popular, too. Dog clothes help to express your pet's personality or you can let some of your own personality show through the clothing you choose. In addition, clothing can help to keep your pet comfortable during every season.

Every dog, regardless of his size, deserves to be pampered and giving him clothing to wear is a great way to show him how much you care. With the wide variety of options available, you should be able to find the perfect attire to suit any occasion. In fact, when you start looking around at all of your options, you may be surprised at how many selections you do have.

Dressing Your Large Dog for Fun

Some pet owners like to dress their dog up just for the sheer fun of it. This is the main reason that doggie clothing became so popular in the beginning. Think about how much attention you'll get when you go for a walk in the park and you're both dressed up in a sweatshirt or tank with a logo of your favorite sports team on it. It's a fun and interesting way to support your team that'll get everyone talking.

It's also a lot of fun to dress your large dog up for holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving and Halloween. You can buy doggie clothing with special designs for each holiday and there are a lot of different costumes made for big dogs so you can choose something different every year. When you throw a costume party, you can dress up your four-legged friend and she can help you greet the guests as they arrive.

You can find t-shirts, tanks and sweatshirts with all types of messages or phrases on them. Some have cute sayings and some are funny but all of them are a lot of fun to collect. You can also buy dresses and formal doggie attire suited for all occasions including weddings

Practical Uses for Large Dog Clothing

Even though dressing your dog up in clothes is a lot of fun, there are many practical reasons for buying large dog clothes, too. Large dogs need to be protected from the elements just like small dogs. Hooded sweatshirts and coats can help keep him warm in the winter and raincoats can make going for walks on a rainy day much more enjoyable. Add a pair of boots to protect his feet and your pet can stay dry and comfortable in most any condition.

When first introducing your large dog to clothing, do so slowly. Only have him wear the outfit for a short time until he gets used to it, then gradually increase the length of time he wears an outfit. This will make it much easier to get him use to wearing clothes but don't leave your dog dressed up unsupervised.

Many dogs love to dress up partly because dog clothes can help keep him warm and more comfortable and partly because of all of the attention they get. Dogs love to be the center of attention and clothes for large dogs will help get her the attention she craves.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Deer Antlers for Your Dogs

Dogs love to chew, so much in fact they may be chewing on your furniture, shoes, or person belongings. Most people will assume the best way to resolve this issue to stop your dog from chewing completely. This is wrong.

Chewing is a very natural habit that is enjoyable for your pet, it relieves stress and keep her entertained, similar to how you watch TV or browse the internet. So the solution is to just replace the shoes and furniture with something your dog will enjoy even more.

You may be surprised to learn that deer and elk antlers make the perfect healthy treat for the pet. No Deer is ever harmed during this process of retrieving these antlers, since they will naturally shed their own antlers and develop new ones frequently. Farms specializing in raising Deer will then collect these antlers and sell them.

They are perfectly harmless for the dog and are a great organic source of vitamins such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron. Antlers have no smell, are completely clean and don't chip or splinter, and are very long lasting.

There are numerous benefits to choosing Deer Antlers for the canine:

They are natural and organic, since they are naturally grown and farmed.

Entirely odorless.

Since they are a totally unprocessed item they are easy on your dogs gastrointestinal system.

Deer Antlers are clean, and don't leave behind a mess such as a pig ear or other greasy or gooey dog treat.

Typically they are collected naturally from when the Deers shed their antlers, so no harm was ever done to the deer in growing and collected these.

They don't splinter or chip, so it's perfectly safe for the animal to eat.

Generally these chews will last several weeks, as they retain a blood formulation inside, it is therefore recommended you acquire high quality mule deer antlers.

Most dogs like deer or elk antlers, although not every dog is identical, and yours may not like the taste. Even so, there are certain things you can do to encourage your dog. One idea is to simply soak part or all of the antler in water, this can naturally release the aroma of protein within the antlers and can certainly spark some attention with your pet. Also, this smell is totally unnoticeable to humans.

Deer antlers come in a number of sizes, and according to your dog size you should choose the appropriate size.

Always buy the size that matches your dogs size, and try to supervise your dog when first presenting the treat to ensure they do not attempt to swallow or break the antler. These are extremely hard and may break teeth if aggressively chewed.

Some chews can always have some remaining fuzz or textures on them, they are perfectly harmless and are frequent on deer chews.

Wireless Dog Fences - What You Need to Know

Wireless dog fences are a great solution for keeping your dog in your yard and are easy to install. As the name implies there are no wires to bury and these systems can be installed and operating in a few hours. Because these systems are wireless they are also portable which can be a plus if you travel with your dog or have a vacation home; you can take your fence with you. These pet containment systems consist of a transmitter and a receiver. Radio signals from the transmitter activate a receiver collar on your pet when they approach a boundary. The collars can provide audible, vibration or static warnings or various combinations to correct your dog and keep them within the boundaries you set.

Invisible wireless dog fences use radio signals to trigger the receiver collar to correct your dog and are not be suitable for all situations. If your property has dense trees within the area you want to contain your dog or if you want to install the transmitter inside of a log cabin these systems will not work. If your home or installation has metal siding or metal roofing or if there are metal buildings within the area you want to contain your dog these systems will not work. Radio signals are line of sight; to determine if a wireless dog fence is a good option stand where you intend to mount the transmitter and as you look out in all directions take note of any of the obstructions mentioned above in your line of sight. If your line of sight is clear of obstructions then a wireless dog fence is a good option for you.

The majority of the systems available today produce a circular coverage pattern. The size of the containment area is adjusted on the transmitter and some systems allow you to add or combine transmitters to increase the coverage area. When setting the size of the pattern remember it is a circle and will need to be adjusted to smallest area to be covered. For example the front of your home sits close to a road and you have a large back yard. The size of the containment area will be limited by the distance from the transmitter to the safe distance you desire from the road. In this example only a portion of the back yard would be allowable for your dog to be in.

Wireless dog fences are a good solution for containing your dogs. If you take the time to make sure your environment does not have obstructions and you can mount the transmitter in a suitable location to provide the desired boundary coverage you can rest assured you and your dogs will be happy.

Raw Bones For Dog Health

Raw bones:

- will keep teeth clean and reduce tartar buildup, therefore great for reducing offensive doggie breath!
- are naturally high in essential fatty acids (EFA's), fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, marrow (blood forming proteins), collagen, minerals (boron, calcium phosphate and phosphorus in the perfect ratio and availability)
- improve skin, coat and general wellbeing of your dog
- beneficial to muscle and bone development as it is an isometric exercise
- dogs can store stress in their jaw, chewing is soothing and serves as a stress release activity as it helps release endorphins which creates a feeling of wellbeing
- chicken bones are high in omega 6, essential acids and raw young bird bones are quite soft
- important for your dogs dental health as bones help prevent periodontal disease, gingivitis, and cavities therefore saving you expensive visits to the vet
- helps strengthen your dogs own bones, teeth and jaw
- will help anal glad problems, so if your dog scoots on grass this could be a sign that including raw bones in his diet would be of benefit
- dogs fed a proportion of raw meat and bone have much smaller, slightly harder and much less smellier stool
- good for dogs that are crated or confined for longer periods of time as it keep them calm and occupied
- ends of bones contain cartilage, great source of glucosamine which has anti inflammatory properties

Suitable bones MUST BE RAW and never cooked as they can splinter internally and cause impaction, also:

- discourage your dog from eating old dried out bones
- avoid large marrow type bones as they can wear down teeth enamel and cause cracks

What type of bones to feed?
Always chose an appropriate bone size for your dog. Medium-large dogs: lamb shanks and necks, raw chicken and turkey necks, chicken carcasses and frames, pig's trotters, beef marrow bones, kangaroo tails. It is always ideal for your dog to chew all bones a few times before swallowing, however if your dog gulps down rather than chewing the bones do not feed lamb shanks).

Smaller dogs, bull terriers, boxers: can be fed raw meaty bones but leave out the larger bones such as lamb shanks. Chicken necks are good for puppies and smaller dogs (or mixed up with other foods for larger dogs who chew well, otherwise they are most likely to be too small and swallowed without chewing. For puppies also try and include bones with some meat as it encourages them to use their front incisor teeth while trying to tear off the meat. This can help prevent further chewing of furniture, shoes etc..as it helps the puppy through the teething stage.

Please note that some adult dogs can't eat any cuts of raw bone perhaps due to the shape of the head of some small breeds, or having an undershot jaw. Older dogs may have lost too many teeth and may be unable to chew bones.

Otherwise, generally feeding your dog raw bones twice weekly is a great start to introducing him to a natural form of food dogs have been accustomed to eating for thousands of years. Dogs are carnivores (meat eaters) so their entire anatomy and physiology is well adapted to digest bones. Their stomach acid is much stronger than humans so they can readily digest bits of bone and chunks of meat. Their strong stomach acid also kills any bacteria or pathogen that would otherwise be harmful to humans. Organic meat and bones are always preferable.

By feeding your dog what dogs would naturally eat in the wild you will be tremendously contributing to his welfare. Why not start by introducing a few different types of bone and create some variety to your dog's diet this week, observe carefully when he's eating, and come to your own conclusion!

Bark Collar Corrections - The Different Types

We all know that animals communicate. And by doing so, they establish a distinct type or method in order to understand each other. And as humans talk and converse, dogs also express what they feel by barking. Conversely, barking is never that enjoyable to hear, just like how your mother-in-law scolds you. For dog owners, barking is something that should be controlled. Obviously, there's no way to totally stop such animal instinct, but there is a way to limit excessive barking.

The best way to stop excessive dog barking is by using a bark collar. It is a device which is placed and wrapped around the animal's neck for the purpose of excessive barking prevention. It consists of a microphone, battery, and a specific type of correction. The microphone is responsible for detecting the barking while the correction will provide the stimulus for prevention.

Dogs bark for more than a couple of reasons. The most obvious is that they do by establishing communication. But aside from that, they bark because they feel something. It may include anger, fear, stress, anxiety, or as defense mechanism. These creatures are territorial in nature so as they see someone close, they consider it as an invasion, thus, leading them to bark excessively. Or perhaps dogs bark because they are not feeling comfortable or may be experiencing a certain type of illness or disorder.

The dog bark collar works in order to stop your buddy from barking without limits. The kind of correction method used however may vary. At the moment, there are three varieties. The first one uses a substance called citronella. As the microphone detects and transmits barking, the correction in the form of a spray emits the citronella towards the pet's nose, giving it some very unpleasant sensation. Therefore, it will certainly give the dog some second thoughts on barking again.

Next in the line of corrections for dog bark collars uses electricity. The correction used in this dog bark collar is visibly harsher, but it sure does the job of preventing the dog from barking very effectively. There are metal probes attached to the strap and they are recharged by a battery. As the dog barks, the electricity is activated and the dog will certainly feel the heat, literally.

Finally, there's the safest way to use a dog bark collar. This time, a sound is emitted to the ears of the dog. When it hears it, it produces an annoyance that the dog won't like that much. It's not as harsh as a spray or electricity but it sure does the job well.

Wire Dog Crates Versus Plastic and Canvas Crates

There are three main different types of dog crates: wire crates, plastic crates, and canvas or soft-sided crates. Each of these has pros and cons, and many dog owners have at least two different kinds. Trainers agree that a pet crate provides significant benefits for every dog.

The primary benefit of the plastic dog crates is that they can be used for air travel. For most pet owners, this isn't really an issue. However, if the time should arise, you wouldn't have to buy a new crate just for the purpose. Plastic is also lighter weight.

Canvas dog crates are typically used for car trips and for confinement at shows or dog sports events, and other situations where the pet can be supervised. They aren't really sturdy or secure enough to restrain a dog who has been left alone. They are lightweight and can be easily folded for transport or storage.

Both canvas and plastic crates are susceptible to chewing by dedicated canines. They may do this as a way to escape from the dog crate or just out of boredom. There's often no way to know if your own dog is likely to indulge in this behaviour.

The wire crate is a very popular choice. Like a soft-sided crate, it folds easily for storage or transport, but it's much more secure and sturdier. Wire dog crates may look less obtrusive in the home than bulky plastic, and can be disguised with a draped blanket or a side table.

Most dogs take easily to their crates. They like the cosy, den-like feel. Even those who have never been crated before will generally settle down and take a nap shortly after being confined to the dog crate. Some dogs will make more of a fuss. The best way to get beyond that is to ignore it, so the dog comes to understand that the behaviour doesn't have the desired result (getting out of the dog crate). It's not always so easy to do this, though. Do your best to not reward the bad behaviour, and take some time to help your dog get used to the wire crate.

Feeding a dog in the pet crate is a great way to get him or her to start to enjoy spending time in there. This creates a dog who eagerly rushes to the crate, anticipating the food reward that he or she will receive. You can also use treats, or set aside a portion of your dog's daily food, to place into the crate when you leave for the day.

Whether you choose a plastic, canvas, or wire dog crate, you'll find that it's very helpful. It gives you a place where your dog can feel safe when you aren't home, and eliminate destructive behaviour that can occur when a dog is home alone. It can also be used to keep the dog out from underfoot at dinner parties or when work is being done on the house.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wire Dog Crates for the Home

There are some good reasons to choose a wire dog crate for your dog to use at home. Crate training is recommended by top dog trainers as a way to provide dogs with a safe place. A dog crate gives you a way to confine your dog when you can't watch him, for his own safety and to protect your home from damage.

Wire pet crates are available in various sizes. Choose a crate in which your dog can stand up and turn around. Don't be tempted to give him more room by purchasing a larger crate; it is the cosy, den-like feel of a crate that provides the comfort a dog needs. Of course, if you are purchasing a wire dog crate for a puppy, you'll want to get one that will fit him once he reaches his adult size.

The location of the wire pet crate in your home will be determined based on how it will be used. If you will mostly confine your dog when you are out of the house or when workmen are present, then an out of the way, quiet location makes the most sense. But if you will be crating your dog while you are home, as when you are busy cooking or taking care of other tasks, a more central location is best. Dogs like to keep tabs on the flow of activity, even if they are snoozing.

To give your dog extra privacy, and to integrate the appearance of the pet crate more with your home's décor, you can purchase a cloth cover, which fits snugly around three sides. They're available in many designs, and most can be machine washed. If you're crafty, you can even make your own. There are other possibilities for disguising a crate, such as placing it under a side table.

Many dogs like to spend time in their crates even when they haven't been put there. This is another reason to have the crate in a location where he'll still be able to observe the goings on in the household. You might consider having several crates - for example, one in the bedroom and one in the lounge room.

Because wire crates fold up easily, you can store them out of the way when you need to. They're also easier to travel with for this reason. If you are involved in showing or dog sports competition, or simply travel a lot with your canine companion, a wire crate makes more sense than a bulky plastic one. Wire crates are not approved for airline travel.

Wire crates are a good choice for home use. They're versatile and can be placed anywhere. They're heavier than plastic or cloth crates, which may be helpful if your dog becomes restless. They're also chew proof.

A pet crate is a great way to give your dog a place of his own. He'll grow to be very comfortable in it, so you'll be able to confine him easily and without stress when you need to. Wire crates are handy because they can be folded down for storage or transport as needed.

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Wire Dog Crates for Small Pets

Dog crates are a necessity for every pet-owning household. Wire crates are the most versatile, because they can be folded for easy transport or to be stored out of the way. They're also more attractive than plastic crates, and can be covered to complement the room's décor.

A wire dog crate gives your pet a place to go to get some privacy. It enables you to have a secure place to confine him when you are out of the house, or when you have guests over. It can also be used in the car to keep you and the dog safe during travel. Because a wire dog crate folds up easily, you can keep one in the car all the time, folded and out of the way when you aren't using it.

When choosing a wire pet crate for your small dog, select a size which enables him to just have enough room to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. It is the cosy, den-like feel of a dog crate that comforts them. Some dogs may, if the crate is very large, decide that they can eliminate at one end and sleep in the other, which of course you want to avoid.

For a small dog, such as a Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, French Bulldog, King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, Miniature Pinscher, or Miniature Schnauzer - any dog weighing roughly 12 to 18 kg - a 24 inch (61 cm) or 30 inch (76 cm) wire crate is a good size. Dogs of any age can be trained to use a wire pet crate. It's very useful in helping to housetrain a puppy, as well as being a safe place to keep him out of trouble when you can't watch him. But even if you have an older dog, don't discount the convenience of a dog crate.

Most dogs take naturally to a pet crate. Feeding your dog his regular meals in the crate is a great way to create a positive association in your dog's mind. You can add a blanket or towel, or a crate pad, for comfort. Some dogs, however, will chew these items, even if they aren't normally chewers. In that case, for safety, you'll want to leave them out.

If your dog has a tendency to get into things when you can't watch him, a pet crate can give you peace of mind. Even a well-behaved dog benefits from a dog crate. He'll just settle in for some quiet time.

To keep your dog occupied while he is in his wire crate, you can provide an interactive food toy. These toys have one or more holes into which you place treats that the dog needs to work to get out. There are many different ways to use these toys. If you use one, be sure to count the calories against your dog's daily total so he doesn't end up getting fat.

Wire dog crates are a good choice for small dogs. The ability to fold it up for storage or to transport makes it flexible and more convenient than a solid plastic crate. They're also chew proof and very sturdy.

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Clicker Training - Dog Obedience

Dog Obedience Training

There are a variety of dog obedience schools available where you can take your dog to be trained. A lot of these schools use the classical conditioning method to train dogs. Another method used is operant conditioning. You can either look for a school that offers this method or you can use a clicker to train your dog at home. If you are prepared to put in the time and effort, clicker training is a great option for you..

Clicker training is a form of operant conditioning where you use a clicker and reward the dog for target behavior. The clicker is a small plastic device that produces a distinct sound when it is pressed.

You take the dog through a series of cycles which teaches it to make a connection between the action and the reward. When the dog performs a targeted action the clicker sounds so the dog focuses on the action it has just done and a reward is given for that action. Target sticks can also assist to guide the dog to perform target behavior.

Training your dog at home

You do not need to be an expert to train your dog with a clicker. The tools required for training are: a clicker, a target stick and a bag of treats. That's all you need. For basic training such as "sit" or "stay", you can commence without the use of a target stick. Clicker training is an easy method to use for training your dog at home. Even a child can train a dog with a clicker.

The use of a target stick can be a very practical training aid. Teaching your dog to touch a target for a click and a treat is easy for the dog to learn and also easy for you to teach.

The idea is to get the dog to touch the tip of the stick and then follow it. Once this is achieved, the dog can be led willingly to go wherever you want it to go without having to physically drag, push or lift it.

It is very important throughout the training session to be consistent and ensure the correct sequence is performed. If you can achieve this, your dog will learn whatever target behavior you are aiming for.

Rewards, signals, and target actions

Clicker training is an incredibly effective training method. The dog is not expected to be able to perform a complete action straight away and is not forced to do so. You will still reward the dog for any small steps it makes toward the target action.

Physical punishments such as smacking your dog or yanking its collar are not included in clicker training methodology. Clicker training uses corrective actions such as a signal word e.g. "wrong" to inform the dog when the action it has performed is not the desired result and that it should try again. Clicker training is all about positive reinforcement of good behaviors.

This news article is brought to you by DOGS - where latest news are our top priority.

The Right Way to Leash Train Your Dog

Does it seem as if your dog is walking you instead of you walking your dog?

For many this is a common feeling. Dogs can get rambunctious and get overwhelmed when first experiencing the walk. It takes more than one training session before your dog is comfortable walking. You'll learn the right way to train your dog to walk on a leash by reading the few tips below.

There is more than one way to train your dog. The method of training is your choice. I chose the method of side by side walking. This method is a lot simpler then any other method and only requires patience.

1. Make sure the dog is wearing a comfortable collar that is unlikely to cause any choking.

2. Start with a leash that is around 4 ft long. Leashes come in many sizes but the closer your dog is, the more control you have over its walking direction.

3. Begin training either around the house or in the backyard. This is to avoid any distractions that might overwhelm your canine.

4. Using treats and praises during the leash training helps tremendously.

5. Avoid allowing the canine to lead and pull.

6.Practicing over and over will help the pup understand how you want it to walk.

7. Come up with a command you want to use that will get your dogs attention such as "heel" or "slow".

When doing any type of dog training it's important to stay firm and calm at the same time. Dogs learn easier with repetitive training. Doing something over and over so that it becomes a habit is how your dog will learn to walk on a leash.

So the next time you go for a walk remember to keep your dog close and do not allow the dog to lead. When the dog starts leading just stop and wait for the dogs attention to only focus on you. After a while of having a lot of tension on its neck the dog will realize it needs to avoid pulling.

The earlier a dog becomes trained to walk on a leash the easier it is. I'm not saying older dogs can't walk on a leash. I'm simply saying it is not as easy.

Each time you walk your dog keep the treats handy and the commands firm and you will have a leash trained dog in no time.

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A Guide To Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs

Many people in the UK and around the world use homeopathic remedies to treat a wide variety of ailments and illnesses. The popularity of homeopathy has increased to an extent that it is now being used to treat pets as well as humans. This article offers all the essential information on treating dogs with homeopathic remedies, and how this differs from using conventional medicine.

Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of healing, developed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century. It is based on the philosophy that elements that might cause symptoms of ill health in a healthy body will actually cure similar existing symptoms in an unhealthy body. This philosophy is sometimes characterised as 'like cures like'.

Homeopathic medicines usually consist of a very small amount of herb, plant or mineral dissolved in a large volume of water. The ingredients used in homeopathy would often be dangerous if given in a high dosage, but the dilution process ensures that the dosage actually given is so small that it is unlikely to cause any harm to the recipient.

Unlike conventional medicine, the ingredients in homeopathy aren't themselves intended to have healing properties - instead they are intended to stimulate a healing response from the recipient's own immune system. This is the same whether the treatment is for humans or dogs - the goal is always to utilise the body's own resources and energy to aid in the healing process.

Another key difference between homeopathic and conventional remedies is that with homeopathy, the more diluted the active ingredient is in the remedy, the greater the potency of the remedy is deemed to be.

Hahnemann invented a scale called the C Scale to denote the strength of various remedies, with the C referring to a dilution by a factor of one hundred. So a 3C remedy has been diluted 300 times, and is not considered tremendously potent, whereas a 30C has been diluted 3000 times, and is therefore considered to be one of the strongest solutions you can buy. With any remedy higher than 30C, it is recommended that it should only be given on the advice of a trained veterinary surgeon.

The amount you give to a dog remains the same regardless of their breed or size. The only variable factor is the frequency with which you administer the treatment. For conditions requiring a fairly long period of treatment, such as joint sprains and strains, you might give a medium strength remedy three or four times a day, whereas for more short term or serious ailments, you might give a dosage every hour, or possibly even more often.

Experts also recommend that giving homeopathic medicines within 15 minutes of eating or drinking should be avoided if possible, although this is not considered essential.

In recent years, many in the pet health industry have come to the conclusion that in many cases a correctly chosen homeopathic remedy can be faster acting and more effective than any other type of medicine. Used properly, homeopathy offers a useful and safe alternative to conventional medicines used for treating pets.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Simple Tips To Help You Choose The Right Kittens For Sale

Twenty years is a very long time and very few people can live with the same person or animal for so long. Twenty years, what am I talking about? This is the expected lifespan of a cat. While these animals are not loved by many people, kittens for sale happens to be so sweet and cuddly and this happens to be the reason why many people make the wrong decision when choosing a lifelong partner. The deception only becomes clear after a few months when these furry little creatures begin to grow and their owners learn about their own little ways and personal behavior. Never be deceived by the way a kitten looks and some of the things you think about when purchasing puppies for sale comes into play when you are thinking to buy a kitten.

Kittens for sale and how to choose the right one

When buying a kitten, many people focus on one thing and one thing alone and that is how adorable and fluffy the kitten is. While this method can be used, if you are going to choose a kitten based on its outward appearance, you will need to do some things in order for you to maintain that beauty. A Moggy, for instance, requires daily brushing and grooming to keep them looking beautiful and it is advised that you only invest in one of these cats if you have the time to brush them on a daily basis. While you can choose kittens for sale base on their look, it is strongly advised that you do not because you cannot tell what traits they will have simply by looking on them.

Once you have overlooked a kitten's outward appearance, you need to think about the environment that you will have the cat living in. Did you know that aggression in cats oftentimes come from the environment that they live in? Hard to believe but true; a gentle, friendly cat can inherit its genes from its mother or father but in most cases, these cats are the way they are because they grow around soft gentle people. When looking for kittens for sale, it is best to go with ones that have been in a situation where over four people have had a hand in their life thus far.

This tip is recommended because kittens need to interact with a number of people in order for them to be friendly. If the kitten that you are buying has only been socialized with one or two humans, it will be very hard breaking it otherwise because the first two to seven weeks are the most crucial period in every cat's life. During this period, kittens learn most of their traits that will take them through the duration of their life.

When choosing kittens for sale, it is crucial that you take your household and lifestyle into consideration. Kittens that are confident and very outgoing will settle well in busy households and large families. Take your other family members into consideration as well and if you have children and other pets, keep in mind that it will take some time for the kittens to get use to them; therefore, you will need to be patient and gentle with your new kittens.

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Protect Your Dog From Fleas And Ticks

Many pet owners know how much of a pain it can be to try to deal with fleas and ticks on pets. Fleas can be especially troublesome on dogs. It is very easy for an animal to bring fleas or ticks into an environment, but getting rid of them can be quite a challenge. Fleas and ticks can show up on a person's pet any time of the year, barring any months where the temperatures are below freezing for long periods of time.

How does an animal get fleas? Well, it's quite simple. A dog can get fleas from pretty much anywhere outside. Fleas can live on pretty much any animal with fur, from dogs, to cats, to raccoons, squirrels, and a host of other wild creatures. If any animal with fleas happens to run through a person's yard, even if just for a moment, the fleas can lay eggs which will hatch in a person's yard, giving the fleas an opportunity to attach themselves to a person's pet. Once attached, the fleas start to breed. Similar to fleas, ticks attach to animals by simply waiting for the opportunity. They don't hang out on other animals like fleas, however. Ticks lie dormant in tall grass until an animal or person walks by, then the tick attaches to the person or animal, causing problems.

Fleas and ticks cause a variety of problems, from what a person may consider a slight annoyance, all the way up to significant disease. The most common side effects of a dog having a flea problem is the tendency for the dog to constantly scratch. Fleas bite and inject their saliva into skin, causing dermatitis. This dermatitis causes the animal to bite and scratch. In addition, since fleas do feed on blood, if a dog has quite a few fleas it is possible for the dog to become anemic or even die from blood loss. Ticks offer an entirely different problems. There are many diseases transmittable through ticks, such as Lyme disease, as well as around fifteen other significant diseases, all of which can eventually seriously injure or harm an animal.

Luckily, there are many products on the market to combat this problems. There are collars, sprays, shampoos, medications, etc, all with the purpose of providing flea and tick control for dogs. Different animals adapt to different styles of treatment in different ways, but with hundreds of products on the market, fleas and ticks are generally treatable. It may take a few applications to completely get rid of a flea or tick problem, but there is no need to worry. With the right product and a little bit of time, any flea or tick problem is fixable.

Getting Over the Hump: Why Does My Dog Hump and What Can I Do?

I've spent many, MANY days in the dog park over the last five years. I've seen all-out brawls over poop (poopie pointers), yelling matches about choke collars, and inquisitions about un-neutered dogs. But I can honestly say that nothing brings people's opinions out of the woodwork like humping. Without fail, people are experts on this behaviour. You can probably guess what the typical explanation for this behaviour is...everyone at once now...DOMINANCE! I couldn't even tell you when this theory started or how it's been hanging around for so long, but here's a thought. Now bear with me, this might be a little unorthodox. Is it possible that this behaviour could have anything to do with (insert gasp) SEX??! I apologize if I'm offending anyone's sensibilities here, but it must be said: your dogs enjoy it.

Before I lose half my readership, let me explain. Dogs are blessed with these wonderful, built-in biological phenomena called Fixed Action Patterns (FAP). These are behaviours that our dogs, and plenty of other animals, don't have to think about: they just happen as a response to whatever's going on in the environment. Here's where I might call to mind a 10 week old puppy's desire to shake and kill that squeaky plush toy, or your dog's natural inclination to run away when chased. These FAP's fall under four categories: Fight, Flight, Food and Reproduction. Because there is so much variation in dogs as we know them today, we might not see the same FAP's show up in every single dog. One dog might be obsessed with chase (flight), while another may be really stingy about sharing his toys (fight). Every dog is different. As a dog culture we seem to have become a little "buttoned-up". While we may be able to accept that play imitates life in all other avenues, we're unable to include sex in that repertoire. I know, readers, these are your babies. The thought of your baby actually rehearsing the sex act makes you want to send him to boarding school and hide all the DVD's with sex scenes. But don't worry!

There's one very important distinction I need to make. When dogs play with each other they communicate using "meta-signals". A meta-signal is a cue that says "don't worry, we're just faking". Think play bows, bouncing, wiggling, play faces etc.

So now you're thinking, "If my dogs are just imitating life, then why on earth does my female hump"? Don't fret, I have your answer. Jean Donaldson references a study done on rats where they found that female rats will attempt to solicit sex with a lazy male rat by humping him first. What a great life that male rat has...doesn't even have to work for it! However, most often in our own domestic dogs I've found that humping has become a way for one dog to solicit play from another. The dog on the "receiving" end will find it hard to ignore that kind of invitation, although I can't say the same for myself.

So what do you do? If you're really intent on NOT letting it happen I would suggest becoming more aware of when it's more likely to happen. It often goes hand-in-hand with high levels of excitement. Interrupt play more often than you typically would. However, I say if the other dog is willing then let them go for it! If the other dog is clearly not enjoying himself (no doesn't mean "yes" later) and is cowering, hiding or tucking his tail, be sure to intervene.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Helpful Crate Training Information

Crate training is a very safe and effective way of keeping your dog out of trouble while you are not around and it helps with potty training as well. Whether you have a puppy with little control of bowels and bladder or an adult dog who needs some potty training help or who tears up the house when left alone, crate training is a great idea. Your dogs crate should make him feel safe and like he has a place of his own that he can go to when he feels tired or just wants to be alone.

Most dogs don't have a problem with crate training because their ancestors lived in dens. Their dens were their safe places, they went there to sleep, hide from danger, and raise their young. Most dogs that are crate trained as puppies will go to there crates on their own just to "hang out." They consider their crates as their territory, so you should never allow small children to "harass" them in their crates and be mindful of trying to take things from them while they are in their crates. Crates should never be used as punishment, but they can be used as temporary confinement. You want your dog to know that his crate is a good place, his happy place.

Finding the right size crate

Most dogs will not "mess" where they sleep, so getting a crate that is just big enough for your dog/ puppy to turn around in is a good idea for potty training purposes. It is wise to buy a crate for your puppy to fit him as an adult. You can block off the extra space in the crate and make the crate bigger as needed until your puppy grows into his crate size. If you are using the crate to house a naughty dog that tears up your house when you are gone or for other confinement reasons, you might want something a little bigger so they have space to move around. Just be mindful that the bigger the area they have, the more apt they are to soil in their crate.

Types of crates

There are basically 3 types of crates:

1. Hard plastic, which are primarily used for traveling. These can be used to crate a dog at home as well as in the car and other places. Good for dogs who like to have a quiet place of their own, away from stress and excitement. Allows for easy clean up in case of an accident, just remove the top and spray or wipe out the inside. They come in varying sizes from Chihuahua to Great Dane.

2. Soft sided, usually made of nylon or heavy weight cotton, with a rigid frame. These can be used for crate training as well, but accidents are much more difficult to clean up. These types of crates are much better suited for transporting smaller dogs during travel. These come in sizes that are for smaller breeds of dogs.

3. Wire sided kennels, most widely used for crate/ house training your dog. They are more open and give the dog more of feeling of being in a bigger space or part of the family. They usually have a removable tray in the bottom for easy clean up of accidents. These types of kennels come in many different sizes.

How to Crate Train

When crate training, you should make the crate seem like a positive thing from the start. Make sure the door is securely tied or fastened open so it doesn't close on a curious little fellow, put a blanket or a towel in the crate, put indestructible toys in, and some treats. Start out with the crate in an area where you are. Put some treats down close by the crate or even inside. Once the puppy/ dog gets close to the crate or even goes in, start putting the treats farther and farther in the crate. Once the dog is comfortable going in and doesn't seem nervous you can try putting your dogs food in the crate. After doing this for a short time (few days to a week) you can try shutting the crate door while the dog is eating. Open the door as soon as they are finished their meal. Gradually increase the time that you leave the door closed as long as the dog does not seem stressed or nervous. If the dog exhibits signs of nervousness or stress you may have to decrease the time or start from the very beginning again.

Once your dog is comfortable being in the crate you can move the crate to an area that is better suited. This may be a laundry room, kitchen, a spare bedroom, or even your bedroom.

You can also train the dog to go into his crate on command. Every time the dog goes into the crate you use the same word or phrase. You can use "kennel", "kennel up", "get in your room", or whatever your chosen phrase is. After hearing the same word or phrase repeated, the dog should go in on its own when the word or phrase is used.

Crate training does not work for all dogs, especially dogs that have severe separation anxiety problems. This sometimes even makes these types of dogs worse and they end up injuring themselves trying to get out of the crate. I have heard of dogs bending bars, breaking teeth and ripping out toenails trying to get out of their crates! If your dog does not seem comfortable in its crate even after slow introduction and patients, you may have to try an alternative method of house training. Sometimes putting them in a small bathroom, kitchen, or climate controlled garage can be helpful.

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What to Do When Your Dog Doesn't Like Your Neighbor

Sometimes Haley may have particular reactions to specific people and you'll never know why. But if Haley growls, bears her teeth or acts aggressively toward your neighbor, it's something that needs to be dealt with, and immediately. Your neighbor will always be around, and part of being a good neighbor is keeping your pets in line. If he is fearful of what your dog might do to him, it's your responsibility to ease the tension. You may feel that Haley's being protective for a reason, and in this case, should you listen to her instincts? Plenty of Hollywood movies have shown us that a dog's aggression for a person is foretelling, but in most cases Haley's dislike for your neighbor isn't based on the fact that the person is an actual threat. It can be caused by a variety of different reasons you may never be able to pinpoint.

One of our best guesses about Haley's strange dislike of your neighbor is that the person has a certain smell that Haley may not like, because it somehow reminds her of something bad or threatening. Haley's dislike of your neighbor might have something to do with territorial issues. Maybe she's seen the neighbor too close to what she considers her territory, and she's just being protective of it. It could also be something completely random and impossible to understand. People have had experiences where a dog shows aggression toward the appearance of a specific suitcase, jacket or even rain boots. We may not know what sets Haley off, but there are some things we can do to ease her mind about the neighbor.

Changing Mindset

What you need to do is get Haley to understand that the neighbor poses no threat to her. With the neighbor's cooperation, bring Haley over to him while leashed. When she growls or acts aggressively toward him, pull on the leash a bit, sternly tell her no, and tell her to lie down and stay. Have your neighbor feed her some treats when she's quiet. Keep doing this over and over until she starts to associate him with good things and aggression towards him with bad things. If she sees you spending time with him and no threat is present, she'll learn to back down. If she consistently sees friendly behavior between the two of you, over time she'll start to relax more.

It's also possible that if your neighbor is fearful of Haley and she senses it, she'll be more on the aggressive. In this case, having the neighbor spend time with Haley while leashed will be a step in the right direction. The more time they spend together, the more relaxed both of them will feel.

You may also be able to figure out where Haley's fear comes from with just a bit of creative experimentation. Does your neighbor always wear sunglasses? Maybe it's something about his face being blocked off that scares her. Maybe it's the fact that she always sees him with plastic grocery bags, and the sound they make sets her off. If you can figure out the cause, you can introduce it slowly in your own home so that she'll get used to sunglasses, plastic bags, or whatever it may be.

Wherever Haley's fear and aggression stems from, you'll likely need your neighbor's cooperation to settle things down. Be polite and let him know you have his best interest in mind, and that you'd like to be the best neighbor possible. With a bit of patience and time, this is a problem that should be able to be solved for both him and Haley.

5 Things NOT TO DO When Giving Your Puppy a Bath

There have been a lot of instances where you might have tried giving your pet puppy a proper bathing and you just ended up feeling quite drained and weary after such an experience. Dogs are usually quite energetic, and this would often lead you to become frustrated in making sure their cleanliness. You wished you were in store for a much more pleasant experience, but considering that you love your pup so much, you would just go along with all the pitfalls that come along with bathing them. Nevertheless, should you really need to make it a lot easier for yourself, below are 5 things to steer clear of when giving your pup a bath:

Don't ever overlook to bring all the necessary bathing accessories with you in the bathroom or in the area where you'll be giving your pup a wash. Having to go forwards and backwards between spots in your house just to obtain the shampoo can be quite exhausting. Other than that, you might be stunned to find your dog making a mess of the washroom whilst you were away. Avoid this dilemma altogether by coming in already geared up.

Do not assume that your dog won't be jumpy when giving him a bath. Not many dogs tend to enjoy the bathing experience, and they'll just do their best to acquire out of the way as much as possible, resulting in everything else in the room getting wet. Hence, you have to exert a bit of effort in keeping them in place.

Do not ever expect to not get wet. Puppy bathing is something that can become complicated, and you are making it a point that it's your dog who's getting the wash and not the other way around. Thus, in the event that you wish to be as comfortable as possible, wear something which you'll be totally fine with for getting wet. Do not wear clothing which you'd rather parade around in the malls or at the night clubs.

Don't bath your puppy in waters with excessive temperatures. Come on, even you would want to confess that you hate showering in water that is either too hot or too cold. The same goes for your puppy.

Do not ever hurry through the bathing process. Your puppy's skin can be rather hypersensitive, and in the event that you're ignoring proper washing because you just cannot wait for the situation to be done with, you might actually have shampoo or soap suds still sticking to their hairs. This could cause all types of skin irritations, particularly if the compounds used are a little concentrated. Proper pet care needs to be observed, so you need to be as tender as possible.

This news article is brought to you by BABY-BOOMERS - where latest news are our top priority.

I Think My Dog Has Salmonella Poisoning - What Should I Do?

There have been recent news about a dog food company that is recalling some it's dog food products because of reports of salmonella poisoning. The poisoning wasn't only passed on to the dogs but to their owners as well. So is there anything that can be done if your dog has Salmonella poisoning?

What is Salmonella?

Salmonellosis is an infection that can be found in dogs or cats that have been infected with the Salmonella virus. It is also a bacterium that is known to be transmitted to humans as well. This can cause intestinal infections among animals and humans. This can be dangerous, especially to pregnant women as it may lead to an unfortunate abortion.

Usually this sort of infection affects those dogs that have a weaker immune system. Dogs that are a bit healthier only have a mild infection. But those with a weaker immune system are more likely to get a more serious case of salmonella poisoning.

Possible Symptoms

Signs you should start to look out for are vomiting, diarrhea, (the diarrhea can either have blood in it as well and would emit a really bad odor) loss of appetite, a high fever, feelings of weakness, abdominal pain, lethargy and even depression.

Treatment and Prevention

You should take your dog to the vet in order to get him the best care that he needs. Your vet might prescribe some antibiotics to your dog if he has severe poisoning. You should give the prescribed antibiotics consistently even if you think the infection has gone away. Some dogs that have really severe cases require blood transfusions or plasma transfusions.

If your dog only has a mild case of the infection, your vet may opt to give him intravenous fluids instead. Fluids could possibly contain electrolytes (as salmonella would create an electrolyte imbalance in your dog) that should rehydrate your dog.

Of course, to prevent salmonella from ever infecting your dog, always opt to give your dog a high quality dog food. There are too many dog foods out there that may be cheap, but don't give them the proper nutrients your dog needs, so it is best to stick to trusted high quality dog foods that provide quality nutrition and ingredients. It is also recommended that you provide your dog with a quality dog vitamin. This not only prevents infection and diseases, but would also boost your dog's immune system.

This news article is brought to you by SELF-IMPROVEMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 11, 2012

More Tips to Improve Dog Leash Training

Does your dog tug and pull on walks to?

All dogs need ought to be leash trained at some point of their lives. The sooner you teach a dog to properly walk the easier it is. Like they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Teaching a dog any new trick requires patience and consistence. Find your pace of walking and make it a habit to walk at the same pace with your pup. The easiest way to teach a dog is by habits and rewards. Dogs are willing to listen as long as something is in it for them.

It might seem like a battle just to walk your canine. There are a few leash training tips that will make the process easier.

The collar needs to fit. If its to tight you can really hurt your dog and cut off its air supply. If its to lose it wont be long before your chasing your dog around. As long as your dog is wearing a comfortable collar that fits you wont have to worry about hurting your dog.

Start walking your dog with a 4 ft leash before you go any longer. The bigger the dog the closer he should be. That way he has a less chance of pulling you. With little dogs you should have no problem letting them wander off with a longer leash.

Start the leash training around the house. Rather then taking your dog around the block you can walk around the backyard away from distractions.

Be firm and consistent with the commands you give your dog and try to make the training as less stressful as possible.

Be the leader. The dog should follow you around. Keep the dog beside you as you walk and stop whenever he starts to pull. Allow the dog to understand that if he wants to walk he will only walk beside you.

If the collar seems to constantly be causing the dog to choke you may want to try a harness. A harness is a lot less tension on the dogs muscular tissues and helps control the dog's body rather its neck.

It can take any where from 5-10 training sessions before your dog gets the clue of the proper way to walk. All canines are different, for instance my Stafordshire terrier was very hyper and it took about a month before she was walking properly.

This news article is brought to you by CLASSIC-CARS - where latest news are our top priority.

Facts About Dog GPS Systems and What You Should Know

Dogs in new homes often feel pulled to try to return to their place of origin. Sometimes even if the dog moves to a new house with its family, it can want to return to what is familiar. Some dogs just like to run away out of a desire to see what else is out there. For people with this problem, a dog GPS system might lend a helping hand.

The GPS collar is the most popular due to its high technology, minimal error, easy access, and fairly low price. The GPS is in a small plastic container that attaches to a dog's collar. It is extremely sturdy and the dog will probably not notice it at all.

The 'people' half of the system is a hand-held device with a screen, just like many other GPS. It has a lot of good features, like an instant alert system if your dog is somewhere it should not be. You can find this out by programming different zones on the GPS map. These zones are areas where you want your dog to stay or areas that are tempting to a dog but very dangerous. When the dog enters or exits one of these zones, you can be automatically alerted.

Your zones can be very narrow, since the system and new satellite technology are so exact. The alerts come in the manner of your choosing and are instantaneous. This allows you to better train your dog since you can 'catch it in the act' and condition it better. It also may save your dog's life or keep it from getting too far away.

Concerned pet owners also have the option of being constantly updated with the location of the dog. Your updates can come as rapidly as every five minutes. It works around your schedule and preferences, which is a great novelty. You will be able to see where your dog has been, too, and for how long--in the event that you miss a few updates.

The system is battery operated, so you should watch out for low battery life. Recharge or replace the battery as soon as it is needed. You can call customer support for any problems. Just remember, though, that these collars can be shrugged off, especially if the dog is smaller. The bigger the dog, the more likely the collar will stay on.

If your dog is very small and likes to run away, it can be difficult to find. The collar is also not a good option, so what are you to do? You can always get a chip implanted. It is a minor surgery that will not hurt the dog. The chip just goes under the skin. It is more expensive than the collar and certainly has some problems and interferences.

However, chips are getting more and more advanced every year. Some people have come to trust them so much that they even consider implanting them in their children out of fear of kidnapping, running away, or getting lost. Chips can be used for all sorts of small animals, but you should speak with your vet to find out if it is right for you.

This news article is brought to you by GLAMOROUS FASHION NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Help! My Dog Chews Everything

Dogs chewing stuff is nothing new. Anyone who has dogs knows this and anyone who wants to own dogs should know this. In fact, one of the biggest reasons why dogs are left at shelters is because people do not anticipate that dogs will chew stuff.

There are many reasons why dogs chew and below we have tried to give you a concise account of the main reasons why they do this.

  • Teething

All dogs have teeth, but they are not born with them. Like babies, puppies too get teeth and just like babies they too go through a lot of discomfort during this period. Just as modern science has not been able to find an alternative to the simple teether, there is nothing much you can do for your pup, except get him one. You also have to put in some time to teach him that it is okay to chew the teether or toy and not your slippers.

  • Breed

Some breeds have a predisposition towards chewing than others. If therefore you are opting to get one of these breeds be prepared for some chewing. Generally hunting dogs and retrievers are believed to chew a lot more when compared with other breeds.

If chewing is going to be a problem, either stay away from these breeds or spend some time in training them. Also, give them an alternative that they can chew on like a chew toy.

  • Separation Anxiety

Dogs are social animals. They need companionship either of their own kind or of the human kind. Leaving a dog alone is like putting you in solitary. And just as it would drive you crazy it would do the same for your dog too.

Many people leave their dog at home alone the whole day without much thought as to what this does to their pet. If you have a dog, understand that it is a real live being, that has its own requirements. If you cannot be there with the dog all the time, see that someone is or if that is difficult is, get another dog.

  • Boredom

Dogs are intelligent animals. They may not have been the ones to put a dog in space but they are definitely more intelligent than many other animals you see around you. Especially with some breeds that are known for their high intelligence, boredom is a big problem.

If you live in an apartment, do not get a large dog. Get two small ones that will give each other company, so that neither of is bored. If you have a yard, leave the dog out. Make sure that there is something to occupy the dog.

  • Exercise

Even the most lazy of dog breeds still require more exercise than you think they do. Just as human beings get irritated and frustrated with lack of exercise, so do dogs. And their way of letting out their frustration is by chewing things. Simply taking your dog out for a jog every day will cure this problem. It will also cure any health problems you may have.

Dogs chewing things are never the problem. It is always a symptom of some other problem. As long as you figure out what the problem is, it is easy to manage.

This news article is brought to you by TIMESHARE - where latest news are our top priority.

Tips for Buying Summer Dog Clothes for Your Pup

Summer is almost here and it's time to shop for some new summer clothes for both you and your pup. Dressing your pet up in clothes is a lot of fun and it's a great way to show off his unique personality. However, dressing your pet up in dog clothes is not just for fun. They can also help to protect your pet and keep him healthy.

Did you know that dogs could get skin cancer just like humans if they spend too much time in the sun especially if they have short hair? Shirts and dresses will help to protect your pet's skin from the harmful UV rays that cause cancer. Your pet can also burn her feet when you take her for walks but specially designed dog socks and shoes can help protect her feet from hot pavement so she can enjoy her walks even more.

When buying summer dog clothes you have several different outfits to choose from. Some of the best options include lovely summer dresses for her and stylish T-Shirts and tanks for him. When buying doggie clothes for your pup there are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind that will ensure he stays cool and comfortable.

How Hot Does It Get In Your Area?

The weather in your area plays a major role in what type of summer clothes you need to buy for your pet. If you live in an area that is very hot and humid, you have to be careful what you put on your dog or you could make her very uncomfortable. It's extremely important that you don't let your pet get too hot because it can put her health in jeopardy. If she gets too hot, it can become difficult for her to breathe and she may even suffer from heat exhaustion.

If the clothing is too hot, it can cause your dog to sweat. Sweating can cause his skin to become irritated and it will make him very uncomfortable. He may also start scratching and digging at the outfits if they're too hot, which can irritate his skin even more.

Choose the Material Carefully

When buying dog clothes for your pup, pay close attention to the type of material they're made from. Some types of materials look thin and you might think they would be cool when in reality they're very hot. A lot will depend on whether or not the garment is made from breathable material. You need something that will let the air circulate through the garment while protecting your pup from the sun.

Even though dressing your dog up in cute clothing is a lot of fun, always put her safety first and make sure the clothing that you choose is suitable for the climate in your area. On extra hot days, it would be best for your pup if you keep her indoors for the most part and give her a break from wearing clothing for awhile. These tips for buying summer dog clothes for your pup can help you find the best outfits to keep her comfortable and stylish all summer long.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Puppy Supplies to Last for Years

Are you the type of owner who forego puppy supplies because you believe that your canine will quickly grow big enough to outgrow them in a couple of weeks? Have you ever thought about the differences, which these special equipments could provide you, should you avail of them? If this is so, then you might be surprised to learn about the several benefits that these items can give your pal in the long run. In fact, many of these products are built to last for a lifetime, assuring you that your friend can never outgrow them.

In spite of this, it is always important that you pick out puppy supplies for its overall quality, regardless of the expenses, since you can never set a price on the well-being of your pet in the first place. There are also certain types of merchandise, which are sure to be helpful in the future, namely:

1. A pair of dog clippers is an example of a tool, which your pet can use from its babyhood until maturity. What's great about this kind of equipment is that it will stay sharp for a long time, enough to keep the nails of your adult canines perfectly trimmed. Plus, its features and locks will guarantee that every procedure is safe from harm.

2. Dog grooming supplies are always a must-have item, even for young puppies. These equipments will not only keep them looking and feeling fresh all day, but they will also pave the way for an excellent bonding time between you and your canine. However, most of these pampering products are equipped with certain chemicals, which could harm the skin and health of your pal. Fortunately, the merchandise, which is specifically formulated for puppies, is without these substances. Thus, your adult dogs can also enjoy them without having to deal with irritated skin, etc.

3. Puppy supplies will not be complete without a good set of toys, which will keep your pet busy for hours, as well as exercise its mental capacities. On the other hand, most owners are not aware that these playthings can also benefit adult canines by simply giving them an item, which can massage their gums and strengthen the teeth. These products can even keep your furniture intact by distracting your friends.

It is often amazing to see how dog supplies, which are specially built for young puppies, can also benefit older ones. Plus, this advantage can save you a great deal of money, not to mention more precious moments with your pal.

This news article is brought to you by ADDICTIONS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Choosing Good Local Dog Boarding

From time to time even the most devoted dog owner will want to take a vacation that is just not suitable to take a dog on, and at the point good local dog boarding will be invaluable. A good boarding kennel will try to make your dog's time away from you as happy and easy as possible.

The best way to assess what a boarding kennel is like is to visit it. Keep your eyes open and have a good look around when you visit, and ask the staff lots of questions. Find out what a typical day holds for a dog - do they get exercise, and if so how often and does this include free running, or just on lead walking? To make the switch from home to boarding kennels easier, can you bring your dog's bedding from home, and maybe a few toys too?

A change of food can be very unsettling for your dog's digestive system, so a good dog shelter will let you supply food for your dog. The time at which your dog is fed is a big part of his routine too, and a good boarding kennel will try to replicate what your dog is used to at home. Make sure that the kennels will ensure that your dog will have fresh water available constantly.

If you have more than one dog, a good boarding kennel will allow them to stay together -within reason. For example, it's reasonable to expect two or three dogs to be able to board together, but an establishment that could accommodate five or six dogs all together may be rarer. This should not be taken as an indication of a lack of quality of care, and a good dog boarding kennel will try to allow your dogs at least some time together if they are used to living together at home.

If you have a friend who boards their dog at a particular kennel, ask them what their experiences have been; have they come back from vacation to happy, healthy dogs, and has the staff been friendly and helpful? If you don't know anyone locally who kennels their dog, visit a local dog club or log onto an online forum.

A good local dog boarding kennel will be registered with a local vet just in case any of the dogs needs treatment, so ask about this. It's also worth asking if the kennels is a member of any professional body, and what animal care qualifications staff members have, as theses all help to recommend a business as one that will take good care of your dog.

One of the latest developments in dog boarding is the use of webcams which will allow you to keep an eye on your dog while you are enjoying your vacation. These are by no means standard though, so don't be alarmed if your chosen facility doesn't offer this.

Ultimately, you should rely on your instincts about a dog boarding kennel. Ask all the questions you have, look around and seek the opinion of other clients, but trust your own feelings; if you don't think you can trust a place to look after one of the most precious things in your life, the keep looking. After all, you won't enjoy your vacation unless you have found quality dog boarding for your dog.

This news article is brought to you by FEAR OF COMMITMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

The Right Dog Beds for Your Adorable Pet

Once you chose to look after a dog, you need to take care of it and make sure that he or she is pampered really well. You would not only want to provide the right health and safety for your pet but for his or her comfort as well. This comfort comes in a lot of ways and one of those is giving him or her a proper bed to sleep on. Since dogs in general sleep and rest a lot, it's only natural to provide them something comfortable to sleep. You can only understand the important of getting a good bed for them because sleeping is a huge part of their daily routine. But with a lot of dog beds available in the market, how can you be sure that you will be purchasing the right one? You might end up getting your hands on the wrong design and style. You might not only waste your time and money but your dog won't have a restful sleep which is the main reason why you would be buying a bed in the first place. So here are some of the ideas to think about first before purchasing.

You already know that dogs have different breeds and they also vary in sizes. With that thought alone, you can already expect that there will be a difference in dog beds to choose from. They can also differ in design, shape and materials. First is the size. This is the primary factor that you need to consider first. You might overlook this when you check the catalogs and products of a certain pet store. Too small will definitely be uncomfortable for them and too large would be a waste of space and money. Next thing is the age and breed of your dog. If your dog is still a puppy, you need to expect and give allowance for their growth so you need to make sure that there will be enough room for that. Some of the breeds grow to be so big while others don't get bigger than one foot. The important thing is, your dog can move freely and easily while on the bed. Then, you can choose the style and design. This can be a fun part of finding a dog bed. There are different styles, designs, colours, themes, shapes, and something that will suit you or your dog's taste. And then there's the material. They are mostly made of foam or any stuffing. It's recommended to choose dog beds with high loft stuffing because they don't easily lose their shapes or get flattened. This kind of stuffing is better for small dogs.

Finally, buy a dog bed that can be cleaned without difficulty. Take your time to visit and compare them at different pet shops around your area. One thing is for sure, you will find a dog bed that you and your beloved pet will be happy about.