Friday, June 15, 2012

Bark Collar Corrections - The Different Types

We all know that animals communicate. And by doing so, they establish a distinct type or method in order to understand each other. And as humans talk and converse, dogs also express what they feel by barking. Conversely, barking is never that enjoyable to hear, just like how your mother-in-law scolds you. For dog owners, barking is something that should be controlled. Obviously, there's no way to totally stop such animal instinct, but there is a way to limit excessive barking.

The best way to stop excessive dog barking is by using a bark collar. It is a device which is placed and wrapped around the animal's neck for the purpose of excessive barking prevention. It consists of a microphone, battery, and a specific type of correction. The microphone is responsible for detecting the barking while the correction will provide the stimulus for prevention.

Dogs bark for more than a couple of reasons. The most obvious is that they do by establishing communication. But aside from that, they bark because they feel something. It may include anger, fear, stress, anxiety, or as defense mechanism. These creatures are territorial in nature so as they see someone close, they consider it as an invasion, thus, leading them to bark excessively. Or perhaps dogs bark because they are not feeling comfortable or may be experiencing a certain type of illness or disorder.

The dog bark collar works in order to stop your buddy from barking without limits. The kind of correction method used however may vary. At the moment, there are three varieties. The first one uses a substance called citronella. As the microphone detects and transmits barking, the correction in the form of a spray emits the citronella towards the pet's nose, giving it some very unpleasant sensation. Therefore, it will certainly give the dog some second thoughts on barking again.

Next in the line of corrections for dog bark collars uses electricity. The correction used in this dog bark collar is visibly harsher, but it sure does the job of preventing the dog from barking very effectively. There are metal probes attached to the strap and they are recharged by a battery. As the dog barks, the electricity is activated and the dog will certainly feel the heat, literally.

Finally, there's the safest way to use a dog bark collar. This time, a sound is emitted to the ears of the dog. When it hears it, it produces an annoyance that the dog won't like that much. It's not as harsh as a spray or electricity but it sure does the job well.

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