Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Potty Training A Puppy With Ease

Getting a new dog is a joy! However, training a dog brings a different joy altogether. Potty training is probably the very first training you should give your puppy. This will help avoid cleaning up a lot of mess and getting mad at your best friend.

In potty training, you should pay attention on your puppy's activities. Puppies usually show signs when they need to potty. It is your responsibility to take action even before the deed is done. In order to do this effectively, you should watch out and pay close attention. If your puppy starts to go around in circles, becomes restless and starts to sniff around, these are the signs that they want to go potty.

Once you got the hang of that, you should decide where the potty area will be. It is important to have consistency when training a puppy. It is always easier to train with a routine in mind. Now, if you can't pay too close of an attention to your puppy, keep him in a place where you can watch him from afar. Do not let him loose around the house. That will only bring bigger problems.

Now, having a specific area for potty doesn't mean everything will always go as planned. Accidents happen, and if you're just starting out, they will happen often. But when they do, do not punish the puppy and clean the mess up ensuring that it will be free from any residual odor. If a puppy smells his urine, he will return to the same place so make sure it's squeaky clean.

When starting out, always accompany your puppy when going to potty. This is important to make sure that he really does the deed in the specified place. It will also give you a chance to shower him with praise for doing a good thing. Praises are more effective if given at once.

If everything is settled, there is only one thing left to do. Keep the routine. When potty training, always do the same routine. Puppies usually go right after eating, establish a schedule for their feeding as well. Then, you can accompany him outside to potty right after eating. It is a must to do things as a habit. Consistency will make your routine stick in your dog's memory.

Hope you learned something new today on how to properly train your puppies. Take note, however, that none of the above mentioned information will work without consistency.

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